British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Interesting, I remember on the Gripens promotion posters that were made specifically for the South African variant, they advertised it with Python’s

Yeah, but I’d really like to upset the Americans by swatting them at 10kms with a harrier.

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At least I think they use IRIS-T

Though could be wrong. Though I think they used Python or the Darter (which I think is a Python variant) on the Cheatah D so maybe there was an overlap. To be honest the sources I’ve seen are tenatively secondary and I dont really know where I would even look for Primary sources for a Swedish aircraft in service with South Africa.

They all fear AESA. They should all fear the Blue Vixen

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Also, you know the number of hardpoints that harrier variant could fill with amraams? Can’t find it quickly and I’m drawing a blank on it.

And regarding the pythons on the C for SA, pretty sure it was just because they had them in inventory, but could be wrong.

4 is the max, but you would ONLY be running 4 AMRAAM

Sea harrier looks like it’d be a good test bed for a whole lot of features, ARMs and AMRAAMs.

Though somehow I doubt the ASM will arrive. Which sucks.

and yeah, probably


Lists a few different AAMs

Gripen C lists IRIS-T

Yeah, I would love ASMs for SB. Kinda annoying and yeah, I kinda hope they would add AMRAAM to a few like the FA2 1 update before everyone else, just to get them working right first. But I doubt htey will do that. Though I do see FA2 in the AMRAAM update

Here’s a picture from a book I have

The image shows cargo options intended for the export version to South Africa. In beam mode 1 Python-4, In beam mode 2 R-Darter and in beam mode 3 the attack robot Spice

Obviously just a graphic but still cool

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God knows then, possibly IRIS-T was a new-ish acquistion or there was an overlap. Or maybe SAAF was planning on going with Python/Darter but changed their minds. Either way, I dont think its changing from Aim-9M anytime soon

Give up on understanding the SA Gripen. Documentation’s abysmal.


Yeah, and not much I really want from SAAF anyway. Buc S.50 looks fun, but only because of the booster rocket.

" Variant for South Africa with manually folding wings and could be equipped with two single-stage rockets to assist take-off from hot-and-high airfields." -

This book is really cool actually, there’s tons of history and rare graphics of the Gripen, the AMX is also in there from when it was known as SAAB 38

Book also explains essentially every part of the Gripen on multiple pages, including cockpit stuff

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Honestly they should have just done the Sea harrier the last update, instead of the black box of SA Gripen. Already had most of the work done for another sea harrier, and would have actually been British. Get why, but this Gripen confusing.

Yeah… I think they just dug themselves into a GIANT hole. Gripen C was the only solution (that didnt take a massive amount of effort as it was coming anyway for Sweden, thus the Gripen A C&P for now)

but yeah, I hope they dont fill our tree with commonwealth stuff. Odd one now and again is fine, but I dont want the next 10 to be commonwealth

Shall leave the Girpen cockpit bug reports to you then, Im sure they will screw up the Cs cockpit

I kind of do want them to add more commonwealth stuff. I really want to play Australian kit, I like our stuff. But they seem averse to actually giving commonwealth stuff relating to any of the more well known commonwealth territories. Would rather just straight UK vehicles if they’re only going to show some commonwealth kit.

Not to mention our Abrams went to the yanks.

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True, quite a few Canadian stuff I would enjoy.

lol. I have not bug reported screens and all the obvious stuff, I bet Gaijin already knows those things are inaccurate. I did bug report the HUD, a spelling mistake and the HMD which it should have (Like F16C in sim)