British high tier Squadron tank options / Petition to NOT add T-90S to Britain

Precisely, so no longer 9 compared to 14 because that 14 becomes a 16. And that 9 doesn’t move.

We seem to only be getting a worse sea harrier so far, so lets see

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I don’t want to seem like someone who purely complains either, there are some interesting features to the patch. It’s nice to see Chaparel coming, external fuel tanks leaking is interesting. Hungarian tanks for Italy seems a not unreasonable idea but then again I know Italy is missing some vehicles it could already get. But probably not nearly as many as Britain.

I would agree stuff has taken my eye as always, mainly in the ww2 camp :)

the sweed 57 and the low end hungry stuff for now, plus some randoms like that pt boat for japan :)

Its just frustrating when you know there are all these cool and good vehicles the British could get, and we just don’t see them.

At least the SQV frs1 might be finished at last. We know this new Frs1 has got a new cockpit. No word on the radar

We shall see, its one of the pluses.

Yeah, if the FRS1 is finished and the Gr7 gets some new features then im happy with sticking to EC8 for the next year whilst we wait for anything new. But at the moment EC8 sucks more than trying to play EC9 at the moment in SB

Id still prefer to have gotten the FA2 though and if R-27ET are coming. Then Typhoon needed asap

Indeed, we shall have to see, i just know i have seen enough stuff to garner my interest in the patch, still waiting for the english stream to cover the british stuff though, so i am currently middling

Just finishing off what weve got would do… but yeah. Some interesting things but mostly a non-event for me this update. T-90 is never getting researched and this new SHar seems pointless vs the one weve already got unless its got something unique

Basically, this is looking to me of me playing a bit of sweden and a lot of italy this patch

I only play britain, maybe witb rp buffs i might touch something else. But i just cant be botherwd

I get that, i play more or less everything, so a dub patch for britian doesnt mean the patch is a complete write off for me

I mean I think I will be disappearing from the British tree in favour of the French. I’ve liked the idea of a Super Etendard for quite some time and now seems like the time to take the plunge.

Jesus fucking christ… 💀

Tell me the UK tree is abandonware without directly saying it


Yeah france or sweden might be my choices i just have no emotional connection to the other trees

I like the French aircraft. was very lucky to go over there officially and was able to see Rafales, M2Ks, Alpha Jets fairly close up. Mirage F1 and Mirage 3 i’ve also seen in person and they all appeal to me. Plus, had a lot of fun with the props. Seems like a nicer tree

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Yeah, they look like they have sone interesting stuff on the horizon. By the time i get there it will also have the Rafale

Basically, which is a shame, i can point at several folks on the suggestion team and discord who would be glad to do it for basically free XD

and like t hat it is basically confirmed



makes me wonder why italy apparently counts as hard to come by