makes me wonder why italy apparently counts as hard to come by
Guess no one at gaijin speaks italian XD
I know one guy who’d be great for the modern British tanks. trouble is he’s a bit jaded based on past experiences (although i did tell him he’d be good for it)
long and short is he has done tonnes of bug reports for challies and whatnot but they’re not regularly actioned.
Which is a shame because by the sounds of it he has a lot of good, declassified/cleared for release documents.
that said, i suspect that the lovely lads at gaijin may know the guy already cause he’s a CC, which will probably be a big hint as to who i’m on about for anyone in the know. i’d just like for there to be a degree of recognition that there seems to be, accidental or otherwise, a failure to pass perfectly good bug reports or not action them despite there being ample evidence to do so.
i know the pain of that, looks at all my bomb bug reports for ww2 brit stuff
You know how I talked about in the 2.5 years since Ixwa the 9 vehicles Britains got domestic, and 16 France has got, thinking about it further it’s even more nuts.
These are the vehicles since Ixwa strike:
Vickers Mk3, CR2 TES, CR2BN, CR1 DS, Khalid, CR2E, Churchill NA75, Vijayanta and Skink.
CR2 TES, CR2BN, CR2E range from nice additions to completely useless but are all somewhat easy additions because they’re just edited versions of the old asset (not that the latter two aren’t welcome).
Vickers Mk 3 is very good, I’m happy with it (though it’s ammo choices are bizarre, literally rename M728 to L52 and I’ll be happy). Churchill NA75 is nice, Skink is nice though debatable if you can call it domestic, but it was a good addition.
But the rest of them are all premium vehicles, Khalid, CR1 DS and Vijayanta, 2 are again extremely minor asset change/copy pastes.
So it’s really 3 complete additions and 1 complete premium addition (Khalid is a pretty good premium choice but again L23 makes for a bad ammo choice, Im baffled they still havnt fixed L23/L23A1 debacle). Not to say France hasn’t got shafted, two of their EBRs being battlepass and lacking of a lot of wheeled vehicles they really should have.
When you outline it that way its even more egregious. how does that compare to other nations in the same time frame like say france or italy (Pre this update)
Well in the same period France got, SK-105A2, MARS 15, ItO 90M, EBR (1951), Leclerc SXXI, ELC bis (1961), VCAC MEPHISTO, M36B2, VAB SANTAL, AMX-32/105, Char 2C bis, Char 2C, AMX-30 Au F1, VBCI-2/MCT30, (and now), Leclerc AZUR and AMX-10M.
Those two Leclerc’s I suppose equivalent to the aforementioned CR2s, out of that whole list I think only two premiums, neither are copy paste things quite interesting premiums. And although ItO 90M and M36B2 aren’t strictly domestic they both fit well, one is French missiles and the other is French service.
So I’d say 11 or 12 complete tech tree additions and 2 complete premium additions.
Yeah, then its a bit of a kerfuffle then
Indian T-90 while glad to have but noone playing Britain ask for this I better trade this for UK have better light tanks
Despite a decent amount of evidence being available that the L23 round is incorrectly named at best, if not outright fictitious at worst.
Also, could we, for the millionth time, name the Chieftains correctly, make the Mark 10 a Mark 11 and give it thermals, and perhaps give some better Sabot rounds? It would make the Mark 5 relevant by not just making it a near enough carbon copy.
lol emtpy composite places
I seriously hope this is unintended
Apparently a realistic change?
Realistic my backside
Magically removed composite on a Chally 1
Its a well known fact it uses Composites (I mean it used Chobham or whatever its called for gods sake)
Plus if thats the case why doesn’t the DS or Mk.3 have the problem, they didn’t uparmour them that I know of aside from ROMOR ERA
Apparently there is no arc protection rated on the hull, and the sponson section lacks the mounting points for composite the rest of the hull has. To be fair 522mm on the old one is silly at that angle, I’m more inclined to believe the new numbers of 311 than that.
As for why it doesn’t apply to the Mk 3, it’s an updated model that only applies to the Mk 2 currently. Like T-34 85s early model currently having much better protection than the late one.
There may be filling there or may not be, hard to say I suppose, no hard evidence one way or the other.
I’ll ask one of the boyos who I know who will have a whole lot more knowledge on this but it seems incredibly daft.
There’s another photo, this is 1977 so at this point it’s Shir 2 still. But you can see the mounting points for Chobham in the centre hull and none on the edge section.
It makes sense if you’re thinking of lower arc protection as you still have nothing but sectioned off fuel tanks behind there.