Britain top tier worth it

britain is worst tree after israel

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I thought the rework said they would look at the turret armor. They said there wasnt enough info to adjust the damage model.

I have Isreal fully researched. I quite like the merkava 4m

im doin fine with Israel but the mk3+ arent modeled right but i digress

fun fact just shoot the tracks of any russian tank with HE (facing front) its an insta kill with the 120mm gun :) can also try it out in test drive works on t90 aswell

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Yep, that is essentially true currently. But we are waiting on our armour to be actually modelled

They said they would investigate it so theres hope.

I mean 2E and BN seems to have a good mobility (and ditch currently useless ERA) so these two MIGHT be good if i ever reach them, but other than that?

It really hinges on the model overhaul coming soon™

That could fix the giant hole in our armour in the front of the tank. Not too mention things like ammo placement and crew placements are likely wrong.

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