Britain SPAA Voids - what could be added?

It was not the best thing in existence, but it worked, and its passed.


I did it. I brought it back from the dead. Now we need to give it the second chance.



with SAHV-3, yes

Well there is another… Rapier laserfire on stormer flatbed




Tracked Rapier would be really good since IIRC it has a search and a tracking radar mounted on it and doesn’t need a separate radar vehicle, the only problem with it is the frontal arc blindspot obviously. Also, I might be wrong but the Rapier 2000(?) has like a 10km range more or less so it would be pretty good for that 10km range SPAA that is needed.

Thing with tracked rapier is the missile itself is opticaly guided and I don’t quite know how that would work in game could wind up just like the stormer but thats laser guided or it behave differntly. Also rapier 2000 was not intergrated on tracked rapier as it was retired before 2000’s roll out.

Personally I feel like they can make an exception for Rapier 2000s, they’ve done it with other stuff before like how Walleye’s shouldn’t actually tracking moving targets, the German Phantoms and getting anything other than AIM-9B/Fs until the Ls, flares on various planes, etc. In this case its more of a hypothetical for the sake of gameplay than 100% historically accurate.

Ehhh its is because 2000 used totaly new tracking and radar systems not capable of being intergrated on the tracekd platform. Bascially theres no way the 2000 setup could be used on tracked rapier

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Real or mockup?




Could SP be lowered for CAS to give the UK a boost? I am talking about looking at the big picture for line ups overall.So if a lesser nation has lineup gaps it is compensated elsewhere. I would rather have that than silly 80s spaa in a ww2 line up to fill gaps

what happened to this, was the post deleted?

Yes, im now trying to bring it back

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The big one I’d suggest is to just Axe the chieftain marksman and replace it with the chieftain sabre.


No, I like the marksman, it’s an iconic AA.


Or just folder it with it as another option lol

Would be the perfect 8.3 SPAA. We dont have many SPAA at taht BR :P


yeah, it would be cool, maybe premium even?