Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

The 6crh shell is mostly identical to the 4crh but with a much longer windshield giving it better aerodynamic performance. Ofc it would have almost identical penetration to the 4crh at point blank, but that’s basically irrelevant to gameplay. At 10km to 15km the 6crh would penetrate about 50~70mm more than the 4crh and that’s what really matters in gameplay.

With correction to the broken ballistics parameters of other guns in the game, the 6crh will be closely matching Rodney’s 16", Japanese 41cm No.5 and US 14"/50 in terms of penetration plus more explosive fillers than the others.


I just had a match with Rodney in naval EC. I couldn’t get any kills. AP just don’t do the damage as it should… Despite poor dispersion, slow reload and “sinky hull” I feel like the damage per shell needs improvements. On stats the shell looks amazing - decent pen, 20kg+ bursting charge, and it’s a heavy shell… But it just doesn’t feel like you hit them with 400mm shell. Very underwhelming.

2 heavy cruisers almost sunk me, glad my teammate jumped it. I tried AP/HE, it just doesn’t do the damage. I would’ve had easier time with reserve cruiser. I couldn’t sink Hood at like 7km distance, he didn’t even cared about me.

It’s a shame because Rodney looks amazing, has great stats, it should be very powerful ship.


Will be great in Naval EC👍🏻

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Ah ok that actually does sound like an improvement then

Not doing any damage seems like a widespread issue with all the british BBs and BCs since last update. Having taken a kronshtadt entire ammunition load out to just have it sit on 30% crew the wntire game was really infuriating.

Rodney would be very good if it wasnt flooded as soon as any ship with HE looked at it, and tge fact it always take out 2/3 turrets makes the entire experience awful since it means… you cannot angle today.


Hood has great survivability, with the news shells she will likely remain the best ship in the tree.

Honestly, Im huffing the copium that these shells will be useful and not just 5mm more pen like the devblog said.


Not only in the EC but even realistic it would be much better…
Though because of ballistic mess HK_Reporter mention, current 4crh APC performs much better than it should(Don’t worry, not only British 4crh APC, but all AP except French and Rodney’s one are overperforming for now)

You should completely ignore any pen stat on a large battleship AP shell under the 7500m mark. Prior to that distance any 14” or larger gun is more or less guaranteed to penetrate any ship in game without a strong turtleback. Point blank pen is worthless, what matters is the distance at which armor starts to become effective against a shell, and the new shell will give in game armor schemes much worse immune zones.

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Yeah ik, that is just the stat they used which I find funny, it should have increasingly better pen over the current shells at longer ranges

They definitely neglect a lot of important information, probably under the idea that bigger numbers means more hype or something. I wish they’d quantify firepower in shots/min and pen at range rather than caliber, barrel number, and point blank pen. Much more informative but not much we can do about it unfortunately

i forgot how fun the 15inch BC’s are after playing Rodney in EC they are so much better in every aspect especially the secondarys for killing light ships

Yeah. Rodney in EC is a no go right now

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I think it goes across all top tier BB’s.

I feel it would be nice to get an increase for shell shrapnel damage and penetration. So shell weight would mean more , not just tnt.

Because right now I don’t think there much difference between 500kg shell and 1000kg shell (if they would have the same amount of tnt)


Well Britain will get Warspite. So maybe she’ll be better than hood.

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Yeah this is problem for all battleships.
I can feel significant difference between destroyer’s caliber
I can feel differecne between 6’’ and 8’’ for cruiser.
However, I can’t feel difference between 11’’ and 16’’ in battleships. Yes 16’’ does damage more in calculation, but what in need when 11’’ has no problem in destroying module at one salvo as same as 16’'?

This is contrary to why navies irl concentrate on bigger caliber and bigger salvo weight, even sometimes sacrificing reload speed. And why Scharnhorst is so OP for almost two years(let’s exclude when SAP and HE were OP. Scharnhorst was rather prey than OP at that time) even at the time when Gaijin introduce 16’’ battleships. This is one of most severe issue of top BR naval.


HMS Warspite would naturally come after HMS Malborough in the tech tree, right?

Trying to plan progression, which I will grind during Strasbourg event.

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I sadly doubt that. Warspite will probably have the same crew compartment layout as Barham which means a big part of the crew is only protected by the 6inch upper belt which makes her die to crew loss relatively quickly compared to Hood.

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i sure do love navel ec

As much as I love EC, the way to win it is to have 3 squamates who are super experienced at naval EC

My biggest concern on Warspite is her draft looking very shallow in the teaser. One of the reason Hood being so survivable in game is that she get the deep load draft. If Warspite is to get the same draft as Barham, she will never be close to Hood in terms of survivability.