Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

Also it makes the flooding on the Rodney EVEN WORSE
Thats in a test from 11 inch guns

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Okay, yeah thats definetly not good

you now can kill any battleship in 2-3 salvos

well they have done the possible and ruined navel.

and that favors the ships with fast reloads which were already the best top tier ships and in general the best

On a positive note, it seems warspites crew compartments are lower in the ship than on barham and actually partly protected by the main belt

Please leave feedback here if you can:

The new flooding mechanics is work in progress and is not final.


What’s the state on the warspite armour?

So far we cannot say much since the armor viewer is bugged for all naval ships currently

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Has anyone given any feedback to the Devs about about Rodney’s rate of fire? It was increased to 1.7 rpm and 35 second reload. But the chart clearly shows it should be 2rpm and 30 second reload at least.

1.7rpm is at the bottom of the chart, dont know what its for. But why not 2.2rpm? Then it would be the same reload as the Japanese 16" guns. Do we know why they decided on the 1.7rpm figure. I feel like it should be 2rpm.



Beside the current status of Warspite got wrong turret on dev server, is Arkhangelsk’s turret modelling is also wrong? It seems historically R class use same turret of QE class, not the one on Renown and Repulse.

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What do you think is wrong about Warspites Turret?
It has the 30 degree elevation it should have

But yes Archangelsk gun mountings should only have 20 degrees since she never got the Mk I/N mount.
also i really wanna know where they come up with this number since all the other 15inch mounts dont have that much protection


Nah not about spec but modelling. Currently Warspite is using Renown’s turret modelling, which is wrong. She should use Barham’s turret as backbone of her turret modelling.

AFAIK Revenge class also use ‘angulate’ Mk.1 turret like QE class. But Arkhangelsk also uses ‘round’ Mk1 turret ingame.

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Changing subject, submarines seem increasingly likely, hooray for all the submarine fans. What I want to know is exactly which ships carried the hedgehog mortar and when? Because trying to find out which ships carried hedgehog so far is a matter of looking up anecdotes and photos, & tracing it back to the ship. This is very time consuming.

Tbh with how many did, and we have a few already in game, thats a long task

The old wiki lists 3 british boats in game. Looking it up myself reveals hunt classes & e-classes and admiralty classes that all had them fitted at some point throughout their service.

Flower class, the US destroyer escorts used them, they were honestly fairly common

Honestly, once submarines come, the daring class can already fit squid, it just isn’t modelled. As for hedgehog, I’d say probably a few more destroyers with it are needed in ranks I & II.

Most of the destroyers in rank 1 or 2 with a few exceptions are prewar or very early on

Give me a minute ill look up a more detailed list of ships with hedgehog

Ok based on i admit limited research, hedgehog was pretty much equipped on every major allief frigate class during ww2 at some point, and many destroyer classes got them too, i cant find a full list though unfortunately