Britain in 1.7-2.7 Sim ground battles...unfairly treated

I’m having to write this again as my original post was removed for some reason…

Basically Britain is gimped at this B.R (along with many others but we’ll focus here).

For starters your main adversary is a 3.7br (off memory) Panzer IV(H) which is essentially a mini frontally impenetrable Tiger tank that gets to bully even the heavy tanks such as the poor old Churchill I that takes part in this B.R. Not just with APCR (I wouldn’t have an issue with that) but the fictitious magical APHE will pen straight through the lumbering Churchill’s armour and one shot it in 99% of penetrations. The Churchill also only has two spawns remember…

The same hilariously goes for the poor Matilda, even when heavily angled you’ll get one-shot whilst you can barely retaliate.

So can you at least fight back? Nope. The best you can muster is an anaemic AP round with barely 90mm penetration. That PzIV(H) has 80mm thick armour and even the 50mm turret is smothered in tracks leaving only two tiny cheek areas where you can penetrate and pray to the snail you kill the gunner. Meanwhile if you fail he sends an APHE in just your general direction and you’re deleted, doesn’t matter where it hits it’ll send shrapnel backwards if it has to… you will die.

So what about a tank destroyer? Plenty of Marders and Stug’s trundling around so surely we can have the Archer which literally has a B.R of 2.7… nope… not allowed. Why?! Don’t try to tell me that the Archer would be “OP” considering what it’s fighting against. This and the Achilles would actually give Britain something to make the Germans stop and actually have to think before advancing and yet we can’t have them. But as mentioned that 3.7 Panzer is fine.

In the words of Fernando Alonso: “It’s a yoke!”.

Simulator battles is how historical BR would be applied in other game modes, deal with it, if the British could deal with it, in a video game you can too.


Ah yes this is true. Frankly the Germans had a great start in the war with the 1943 Puma’s fighting 1939 vehicles as in War Thunder but once Italy swapped sides and turned their Cold War Fiat’s against the Germans their time was up.

War Thunder Sim’s matches are not historical at all as you can probably tell from the above and if it was at least in this BR range it’d be far more balanced. The PzIV is literally a 1943 vehicle fighting against 1939 tanks (Matilda), the reason the Churchill I does so badly is because it’s from 1941. The poor old thing doesn’t stand a chance. The PzIV(H) shouldn’t even be in this line up as its it’s an entire BR above the B.R ceiling and against what the British has it bullies everything it faces.

What advantage does a lumbering ancient Churchill I have over that panzer?
What advantage does a lumbering Matilda have over that panzer?

The Crusader and Cromwell are fast but they’re hopeless in a 1v1 against the panzer. Paper armour and a gun that struggles to penetrate its enemy beyond 300m. The speed is also usually useless due to the crap map design that feeds you head on into the enemy team with no room to flank.

An angled PzIV(H) hull can get to over 100mm thick and even without the angling it has 80mm + 15mm (tracks) of protection. The British 40mm gun has 89mm of penetration at point blank. It’s broken at this B.R set (1.7-2.7) because it shouldn’t even be here in the first place. It’s a 3.7 tank for crying out loud.

Off memory the British aren’t even allowed the better Cromwell which would still struggle to penetrate the panzer. It’s ridiculous.

You will get attacked by those so call “german main” by saying your statement is false and how bad is Pz4 is and it deserve lower BR etc

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It really isnt lmao. Sim is hand selected for balancing with some thought to that, however is more so based around balancing.

This is why you have in some cases 90s tanks fighting 60s/70s generation tanks.

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Yeah I’ve noticed this on the forums. No matter what “Germany suffers”. Despite the fact that in my experience at least Germany is the easiest and most hand hold nation in WW2 tiers.

I haven’t played GSB much at all in a few years, but isn’t this the ‘2_1’ rotation where Germany gets the Pz.IV F2 and not the G or H version? The F2 v early Sherman, T-34, Cromwell and the next rotation with G/H v later Sherman’s, T-34s and Cromwells used to be the most balanced and fun of all the lineups.

Sim = historical BRs? Comedy gold. If that was true the Matilda and Char B would be in the first event - deal with that in a Pz.II or early III; the Tiger wouldn’t face post-war light tanks with HEAT, as is often noted; in fact all light tanks above a BR of 2.7 would get shunted up a level or two in the rotation.

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It’s the PzIV(H). A 3.7 facing 2.7’s.

To be fair if Britain had an equally cheating alternative I wouldn’t complain, or just give us what should rightfully be allowed to fight there. The line-up you mentioned I don’t have an issue with as they can kill each other equally well. But not here.

Britain suffers in later WW2 tiers as well but that’s less to do with individual tanks and more with how broken APHE is and the fact that APDS won’t stop breaking.

Yeah it’s obviously so historical and based around balance that the PT 76-57 Prototype from 2002 with fast firing 2 axis stabilized gun with laserrangefinder at 8.3 can fight early cold war tanks like the M47 and and the lorraine 40t from 1952 in some SIM brackets. That’s 50 years difference in development. Hand selected probably only applies to this in the sense of keeping that things market price high?

I’m not saying that it should fight other stuff from 2002, but the claim that SIM as is is “historical” or focussed at balance is as wrong as with any other gamemode.

Edit: Like facing a Merkava Mk 1 in the French AMX-50 (TO90/930) in RB. You’re outclassed on so many levels its not even funny. Balance is as low on the list as historical accuracy and that’s no secret to anyone.

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