Britain in 1.7-2.7 Sim ground battles...unfairly treated

I’m having to write this again as my original post was removed for some reason…

Basically Britain is gimped at this B.R (along with many others but we’ll focus here).

For starters your main adversary is a 3.7br (off memory) Panzer IV(H) which is essentially a mini frontally impenetrable Tiger tank that gets to bully even the heavy tanks such as the poor old Churchill I that takes part in this B.R. Not just with APCR (I wouldn’t have an issue with that) but the fictitious magical APHE will pen straight through the lumbering Churchill’s armour and one shot it in 99% of penetrations. The Churchill also only has two spawns remember…

The same hilariously goes for the poor Matilda, even when heavily angled you’ll get one-shot whilst you can barely retaliate.

So can you at least fight back? Nope. The best you can muster is an anaemic AP round with barely 90mm penetration. That PzIV(H) has 80mm thick armour and even the 50mm turret is smothered in tracks leaving only two tiny cheek areas where you can penetrate and pray to the snail you kill the gunner. Meanwhile if you fail he sends an APHE in just your general direction and you’re deleted, doesn’t matter where it hits it’ll send shrapnel backwards if it has to… you will die.

So what about a tank destroyer? Plenty of Marders and Stug’s trundling around so surely we can have the Archer which literally has a B.R of 2.7… nope… not allowed. Why?! Don’t try to tell me that the Archer would be “OP” considering what it’s fighting against. This and the Achilles would actually give Britain something to make the Germans stop and actually have to think before advancing and yet we can’t have them. But as mentioned that 3.7 Panzer is fine.

In the words of Fernando Alonso: “It’s a yoke!”.

Simulator battles is how historical BR would be applied in other game modes, deal with it, if the British could deal with it, in a video game you can too.
