Britain Air Forces

oh my bad, I mixed them up

How junk is the F-5Junk, its on sale on XBOX for 30 quid but i’m hesitant?

I could probably grind out the Gripen quickly enough using already present vehicles?

EAP post isn’t far from being done. I’ve got my main points and sources, and it’s likely going to be a reformat of my original post.

IMO just because the leak list includes Gripen, doesn’t mean it won’t be a SHar or Tornado. And if it is a Gripen, then it would still be cool to see the EAP.


This is gonna sound really dumb but how do I use spoilers?


hide details on the button that looks like a cog

Cheers mate I needed it as the historical context is long-winded, but is vital to the post.


Aaaaaaand we’re done. Checked a few times, hopefully nothing egregiously wrong. I’ll put it in as a suggestion soon too, however I have doubts as to whether it will actually get approved, I have a feeling EAP is shadowbanned or something.


Pretty sure EAP was hard denied a few weeks/month or 2 ago as it was a demonstrator/testbed for new technologies rather than fitted with actual weapons that weren’t simply mock ups.

Commonwealth aircraft

You know I had a thought, could the Sea Harrier technically receive an air defence fighter air spawn…

Like its class designation is a Fleet Air Defence Fighter. It will do almost nothing to offset the speed performance but might let you sling off AMRAAM’s earlier.

So would the MiG-29, F-15, Su-27, and every F-4 phantom. I just hope they don’t add the Shar as a strike aircraft like they have with the FRS.
Speaking of which if the Sea Harriers are classed as strike aircraft then so should the MiG-15’s, 17’s, 19’s, 21’s, 23’s, 29’s, F-4’s, F-16’s, P-51’s, P-47’s, F-82, F-86’s, Spitfires, BF-109’s, FW-190’s, Yak-41M, etc etc.

The more i look at SAAF Gripen the more i see how gimped it gonna be

So will the Swedish one. I can already see it having a trash FM with high drag and low thrust

for me its the loadout

You mean not at all…
It’ll be the same as the Swedish one, powerful & accurate.
Unless you’re upset over the 0.91:1 Thrust to Weight Ratio.

Like the SAAF air to air and air to ground is too advanced right now

Im not upset i know it won’t be as good as other fighters
It just the whole plane would have the wrong loadout for everything

TW could be even 100% accurate but with high airframe drag the jet would be terrible.

It’ll be a faster F-5E with more missiles.
And people will still turn fight it for no explicable reason.


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