Britain Air Forces

I think he probably manages himself but also has some things he absolutely cannot release, and some things he is allowed to where he sees fit.

Yeah, also gunna be intersting what htey do about Russia, as they have very few AESA type radars.

They can get some aircraft modernisations with AESA, and also they have their own ‘stealth’ fighters which have actually been built. Su35 and Su33 definitely have AESA variants for later on. Im looking forward to seeing how those chinese and russian UL range missiles designed to kill awacs suddenly become capable of hitting maneuvering targets…

Haha, yeah, basically they’ll get jets 20 years more advanced than everyone else.

And yeah, R-37s are gunna be hyper maneuvable, but Meteors wont be able to hit anything


We can just do both E versions. One with bigger production wing and other with smaller pre production wing.

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That’s why i think i would be the F/A18 is more likely due to load out as we would only get foreign if AMRAAMS weren’t coming and the Gripen we would get would have to have a loadout it never had versus the f/a18 which can use a loadout it did have

Because people like actual Swedish vehicles?

Also they are upgrading their Strv122’s to Leopard2A7V standarts, not to mention they will also have best Gripen models considering they are the main producers.

Without sub-tree İtaly is nothing but a sad nation, thats why Gaijin added Hungary as sub tech tree.

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i think Sweden has great vehicles my point is i believe the grippen will be a Sweden exclusive. Italy is sad and hungary is good for it but from a “value” perspective with having HUAF vehicles it will have an f16, m29 and a gripen yeah probably different from the others but still have all of them so if i purely wanted all of them id just grind italy for the next year

Well its most likely the Gripen now due to the recent blog

OES is also confirmed. Now we have the slight issue as British and Swedish mains of having to figure out how to fly the Gripen well, given my low expectations for it’s flight model.

But we will see what the devblogs bring, who knows.

if gaijin do that, china may need a tomcat XD

I think I’ve seen J10 or J11 on the same leak list

J-11 is on the same leaklist as the Gripen, F-15 and SU-27

im already lost hope for China TT😥 J10 may just a changing the appearance JAS39 in gaijin’s mind

that means you guys may get JAS39, too

Yup, either we get the JAS39 from the list, or we get something not on the list.


You have an F16, J7 one of the best dedicated CAS jets in the game which is getting buffs next update and J8F will get major buffs when PL12s.

Chinas Tree is 100x stronger than the British or Swedish trees are currently with our 11.3 only

bro you have a AV8B PLUS
and you may talk about the JH7

no we have a gr7 which doesn’t have a radar