Britain Air Forces

Yeah I just think rules like that only serve the purpose of giving the “illusion” that the fight is somehow equal. Min fuel favours whichever aircraft is built to work well with low fuel, only tip winders massively favours 2 circle fighters, since modern delta wings (1 circle fighter) was built with that delta wing because it would give greater nose authority for it’s thrust vectoring 50g fox 2’s to be shot off early (as well as climb-rate and other things.). with the sacrifice of 2 circle performance. No guns in Headon’s (common DF rule) massively favours 2 circle fighters since 1 circle fighters is built to have that advantage to get guns on first In head-ons… Having a clean merge in the first place massively disfavours whichever aircraft made sacrifices to do well in BVR… List goes on…

Yep, it’s tons of fun still, nothing wrong with playing around with it, it’s just good to remember what I wrote whenever people disregard an aircraft because they didn’t do well in their very biased special situation.

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i still think the Grippen will be a Sweden exclusive and i dont think the F18 will be added this patch there is no way they add another top tier to the USA but i could be wrong (i hope i am i want the F/A18)

US has had something new every single update since December, the F-111A was the first in the past year that wasnt top tier, but it was still a highly iconic jet that out performs most things (in the same role) at its BR. So a new top tier or 2 would not surprise me at all for the US.

Gripen C is a strong possibility for UK and Italy (via Hungry) so I dont think it will be an exclusive to them

I hope it’ll be a Swedish exclusive, It would make sense money wise for Gaijin too. They’d sell more premiums vehicles if you need a lot of nations to get all your favourite aircraft

i see it more as why bother grinding Sweden when you can grind Italy you will get a better leopard (soon) and Grippen aswell as more aircraft and better cas ohh and you will also have a navy to go with it.

You know the thing is M2K’s stomping every jet so hard that playing realistic scenarios would be boring

Perhaps, but later Gripens, like the Gripen E and NG would be Sweden exclusive and Sweden has other things to offer


Well Sweden has great tanks, fantastic 10.7-11.3 jets, gripen and eventually F18. They also have an impressive Navy so I’m sure that’ll be added eventually

An F16 pilot who knows what he’s doing can pretty easily take on a mirage right now. F16 also has better missiles imo (Again, I mainly fly sim)

Thankfully, most F-16 pilots in SB dont even know what IFF is, not too mention how to dogfight :P

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Yep, I often matchmake with at least one friend in opposite team, so I get some good action each game. You come across one very good f16 pilot like once every 3 games or something imo


E is the NG

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Nice. I love me some LAV-IIIs. It and the Sextion are the two Canadian vehicles I want most.

but with the possibility of the CF-18 it has got me hoping for it.

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Oh, woops. I thought it was a more modern version of the E. Though I could still see an NG as a premium and E as a TT

or Gripen F premium

Yep, any of the 2 seaters could come as a premium

Could get the prototype NG with an M-scan radar whilst the E would have the upgraded AESA radar.

Yeah, that would work very nicely if AESA gets massively delayed (though they cant keep it out of hte game forever)

I wonder If smin has like a quota of how much information/hints he is to drip-feed us leading up to the update or if he just kinda has full freedom in these threads… lol

True and I think due to the Gripen’s AESA having a low power output, fighters like the Gripen E, Tejas, JF-17 and J-10 will be the entry level one’s. perhaps even the F-2 as its AESA was relatively early.

But equally we still don’t even have PESA and some of them are equal to late gen high power m-scan radars.