Britain Air Forces

Only Tipwinders, minimal fuel, headons after 1st merge. That’s it basically.

And yeah I know in real battle scenario M2K would win almost 100% of the time in 1v1 fight.

I do these private fights mostly for fun and to test out aircrafts tho

same with tornado, I dont think another tornado is coming the update. Prob a later one. What im thinking is either CF18 or Gripen, but am leaning towards the CF18 cause its more closely connected to the monarchy and GB

Probably. But at the same time. If we do get ARH and on a really limited set of aircraft. Then the FA2 is THE perfect aircraft for it early on. It has some major limitations that would handicap it a bit, preventing it from being too insanely OP. (They should have rolled IRCCM missiles out on the Harriers/Su-39 First and not on Gen 4s like the F-16 and Mig-29)

Gr9A was hard denied, so was any other CAS aircraft. But whilst the Gripen C would be fine with AIm-9M only and the F-18 could have SARH. The Sea Harrier FA2 would NEED AMRAAM.

i dont think any harrier was denied apart from gr9 a complete different harrier than the SHAR2. i love the SHAR2 but if it is the new top tier aircraft the only thing it will have going for it is the ability to mount 4 aim120’s or 2 with 4 sidewinders and even then im sure aim120s will be on the f16’s and r77’s on m29’s so you are just worse in every way bar maybe radar(after a year of fixes)


CF18 carries aim 7’s and AMRAAMS

Yeah, so if ARH doesnt come, then it could just have AIm-9M and Aim-7

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Kinda but BAe was also a design consult on the Gripen and at least for the prototype’s they built the wings.

True but what I’m saying is that aircraft aside, Canada is more likely to have a plane in GB

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that means nothing. most aircraft including American aircraft are an international effort. parts built and designed by multiple companies of multiple nationalities. you could argue every modern jet in the US tree should also be in the British tree cause without the Martin Baker (UK company) seats they would be useless


Yep can’t argue with that. God I can’t believe we’ve fallen to the level of having to pray for commonwealth vehicles to have anything competitive.

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Gripen C can come via South Africa. Britains only official Sub nation. Or Gripen D via the RAF trainer school thing. Both are equally likely

Though so is F-18. But whilst the Gripen C has basically been confirmed for Sweden. The F-18 has no such rumours

for years though the air subtree has been dismissed and i think it will stay that way. its mainly Mirages and im pretty sure the french wont like that. on the mirage note i want my damn RR Avon powered mirage

Yeah… Kinda shows just how bad the state is for Britain and whilst it is semi-historical for A2A in this time period and probably should be like this top tier. The sheer lack of any content and with how uncompetitive the Tornado Gr1 feels just makes it worse.

A full sub line has been denied. and I really dont think we need or want that. But just like how SA stuff exists outside of the sub line in ground. a Gripen C can be added anywhere on the tree

Well, If you guys think the Gripen is more likely to be added, do you think the cf18 will ever be added? (I’m Canadian)

I want the CF-18. I’d have 2 top-tier Canadian vehicles in the same tree. I’d just need a Canadian Leopard 2 and a LAV-III and then I’d have everything I’d need for top tier until the day Canada comes as a proper nation to War Thunder.

Hopefully, as an independent tree as it is possible.

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Both Britain and Sweden have been promised something, and the Gripen C is the best choice for Sweden and happens to also be an option for Britain. So 2+2 and all that. But F-18 could be just as likely. They are both ideal fits for the hole we have.

But yeah, it probably should eventually. Though its dependent on the US getting the F-18 as well and whilst I dont htink they should get anything this update. I suspect an F-15 (and that would also give Japan a new top tier as well)

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I think the CF-18 is more likely than Gripen. The US has a lot of aircraft and by result of that a lot of customers, so diluting the game with their kit is their tradeoff for variety. As opposed to Sweden who struggle with variety but have gaps as a result.

Just my two pennies.


LAV III’s are made locally near me and thing looks sick irl