Britain Air Forces

I would, maybe, but also if we do get Saudi Tornado, then thats gunna be a great jet for SB farming and I think id enjoy that more

I enjoy messing with F-16s and Mig-29s. Just slam the Gr7 to its breaking stop and watch the target fly straight past you, then just shove an Aim-9M up the butt. works every time

Yeah I have a pride and joy clip where I somehow manage to out dogfight some idiot in an AJ and win in my Mig-21Bis. Deltas aren’t so common at top tier and they also have insane engines. Its only going to get worse (for them) with the Gripen, M4K, Rafale and Eurofighter etcetera.

Ah, I actually find top tier quite enjoyable on the right maps currently (Afghanistan, Rocky Canyon, Vietnam).

I’ve read that as ARH. My bad

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Ah… See I prefer naval maps, at least in the Gr7 as I can use the Carrier and niether the Harrier or Tornado like Alt, so Arghanistan is one I avoid like the plague

Also I bought the Mirage F1C-200 on sale, had the Mirage2000’s within a week. I can highly recommend, but we’re likely about to be blessed by a ton of new aircraft so I’m not sure how meta the mirage2000 will be after next update

I’ve been playing a bit of air lately and got to what I believe is considered mid-tier WW2. Although it is off and on, ground is still my focus.

Tho I’ve also made it clear I’d play full-on air with the CF-18 in UK.

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Mirage is a beast in 1v1. The only real enemy is Yak-141 and F-16A

At least until it gets MICA

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Yep, Thing is, a good Mirage pilot can easily get nose on even the most experienced F16 pilots every time… Question is if the F16 has enough distance to avoid the cannons, and how good the mirage pilot is at leading shots

Wish i could make a poll. But I’m not sure if I can so I’ll just ask. What would everyone want for GB’s new top tier
Personally, I hope for the CF18

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If I could choose, EAP/ACA first, with the F-18 (either) after that, then Gripen, then Shar/Tornado (both are equally uncompetitive so I wouldn’t care which).

I think British players should wish for a gripen, they’re gonna get the Eurofighter / modern Tornado eventually anyways but if they got the gripen now they’d secure themselves to be the only nation aside from maybe Italy that’s gonna have 2 of the 3 major modern European delta wing fighters (EF, Rafale, Gripen)

Yeah personally I have more trouble fighting the Yakker than any F-16 due to it being able to go into creative mode. I’m talking about true duels with my friends btw.

True, But South africa just seems off to me for some reason.

I personally wouldnt directly have issue with the Sea Harrier FA2 because it is a really iconic British jet and whilst it would be an upgrade over what we’ve got. It would be rather limited in its capabilies. So we’d need some more either at the same time or ASAP.

Next best choices for me are either the Gripen C or CF-18. Whilst i’d have no issues with either. The Gripen C does have the Blue Vixen based radar and is a good trainer/practice aircraft for the Typhoon. So whilst its not as good as the Typhoon and I really really love the Typhoon. It would make a good substitute for now.

I also have no issues with a really good and interesting mud mover for Britain, though I do mostly play SB. But a completed Tornado Gr1 or a later variant like the Tornado Gr4 would be pretty awesome too and the Harrier Gr9A has some very interesting features. But a CAS jet has already been confirmed to not be coming.

So Probably Gripen C but I really really want the Sea Harrier FA2 ASAP and a completed Tornado Gr1 ASAP too

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Yeah, depends what we’re actually comparing the fighters with.

Is it some custom battle “clean” merge with a bunch of rules? Or is it an actual engagement utilising all of your fighters strengths including missiles?

I’m personally not a fan of set-up dogfights for modern jets, it’s just plain unfair for whichever aircraft was built to be good in different situations. If a clean merge was all that mattered, all aircraft would look the same lol.

I dont think Gaijin is going to add a new harrier THIS update, feel like people would be pissed and Gaijin knows that

I think harrier was kinda denied by smin? So I think Fox 3 tornado or Gripen. Maybe some sub-tree F18 too