Britain Air Forces

True just saying by how the snail likes to do things from what I’ve seen.

If they add the early versions they will split the major upgrades into new planes from what I’ve seen even if it’s needed or not.

The UK might only need one version but I wouldn’t be surprised if they add every version they could make out of the plane if the CF-18 or RAAF F/A-18 comes. Just hopefully this doesn’t stop domestic planes from being added. (tho knowing Gaijin just they might try that and not add domestic airframes)

Except South Africa never purchased the Aim-9M…

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Italy never purchased DM53, USA never equipped AIM-7s to their F-16Cs, guns were never equipped to Swift F7, and so forth.
I could list well over 50 vehicles to prove this point, likely over 200 if I spent a day making the list.
Gripens will receive accurate loadouts based on manufacturer specifications and photographic evidence.


That would be my guess too and why I’d prefer native options. Or at least get the FA2 first and then followed by the F-18. At least we’d get the best of both worlds. If it was the other way round, then I doubt we’d ever see the FA2 as it would be pointless (in essence what Smin stated about why they arent planning on the Gr9A anytime soon, despite its clear upgrades, its too similar to the Gr7)

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possibly, i’m willing to bet tho the Grippen will be a Sweden only vehicle and wont be added for a while into other trees i.e SAAF and Hungarian AF

So you agree. Aim-9M on a South african Gripen C would be a ahsitorical placeholder weapon as the historically accurate loadout option wouldn’t be possible due to balance. If the SAAF Gripen C was added when IRIS-Ts was in the game, you would expect it to come with IRIS-T and not Aim-9M

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It would be historical to the Gripen.

So please provide evidence that the SAAF Gripen C never operated IRIS-T then and only exclusively was armed with Aim-9M


No need, Gripen was created by SAAB, not a South African company.
SAAB > your false claims.
Tornado F3, Tornado GR1, and GR7 all have accurate loadouts. No placeholders.

Just because a military didn’t purchase or equip doesn’t mean the manufacturer denied compatibility.
This is why manufacturers > militaries.
We are not role playing as militaries in War Thunder, we are piloting manufacturers’ products.

It’s not historical to the Gripen tho just as much as it isn’t a ahistorical loadout. Historically possible loadout is the perfect description for what we use in WT which is a loadout physically possible (wired) but never used irl. Not a single Gripen used AIM-9M irl despite it being possible


Then you are wrong. If IRIS-T was in game, I’d expect a SAAF Gripen C to be equipped with its native weaponary. In this instance. IRIS-T and not Aim-9M or AMRAAM

I would not expect Aim-9M or AMRAAM to be available simply because Sweden operates those weapon systems on their version of the aircraft.

it is for the same reason I do not expect ASRAAM to be available for the Tornado ASSTA3.1 (which operated IRIS-T)

Or for IRIS-T to be an option for the Tornado GR4 (that operated ASRAAM)

Nor would I expect British, Germany and Italian Typhoons to be able to freely choose between ASRAAM or IRIS-T

or why All Phantoms are not able to equip Aim-9Ps or Skyflash, etc etc

In the absence of IRIS-T for the SAAF Gripen C, Aim-9M is the most logical stopgap for now. and in all-likelyhood, would not change in the future should IRIS-T become available as that would likely require radical changes to the aircrafts BR , but would also no totally invalidate their ability to be added.

It has already been confirmed that BOL rails for the Tornado Gr1 are a WIP, but no evidence has been found that Germany or Italy ever equipped there Tornado IDSs with BOL rails. In theory they would be equally compatible, but as far as I am aware at the moment, only the Gr1 is due to recieve BOL

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I’m yet to see the Gripen with AIM-9M. Not saying it shouldn’t be added but yeah

I think like quite a bit of Europe, It was Aim-9L/i though im expecting Aim-9M because its easier

nvm lol





This helped me remember that I have 3 photographs of 9Ms on Gripen on my main desktop [I’m on laptop right now].

Sorry if I sounded harsh at any point BTW.
My exhaustion of people saying no to GOOD authentic missiles because “Muh IRL military didn’t have the money to buy them.” is leading to bad wording on my part.

So, German Typhoons, what A2A weapons do you expect them to be able to equip?

What about British Typhoons?

Or do you expect to be able to freely choose between Aim-9, IRIS-T and ASRAAM or have all 3 equipped at once?

Eurofighter clearly advertises the EF Typhoon as having at least IRIS-T and ASRAAM, as well as AMRAAM and Meteor avaialbe for A2A loadouts with no clear designation to country. Even though different operators use differernt weapons.

So we don’t have tech-tree with country names but companies?

True it’s an Arcade-milsim.

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added more pics btw

Honestly, for next year I expect 9Ms and AMRAAMs unless ASRAAMs are proven to be equivalent to R-73s.
Cause the manufacturer states compatibility and Gaijin would rather countries have equipment than have to wait for a different time.

And here’s my personal bias:
I want a Block 1 F-16 with only 9Js. I want the best dogfight platform with bad missiles for a lower BR of say 11.3.
Cause it’d be interesting. I have ZERO desire for the era where airframes are 100% carried by their missiles. I stop at first Rafale/Typhoon because I do not want “the OP” IRIS-Ts and Meteors, I don’t want stealth partially because that’d just bring back the IR missile meta.
I just want my favorite airframes.
If someone can prove to me a Typhoon prototype that only had countermeasures and a gun, I’d support that as a 10.0, unironically.

I never stated the Gripen C from SAAF wouldnt have these, only that if IRIS-T was available they’d have them instead.

The difference between R-73s and ASRAAM is like comparing Aim-9Es with Aim-9Ms. ASRAAM is a lot better. though I cant think of any airframe that uses R-73s AND ASRAAM.

So no German Typhoons then. They only used IRIS-T, never ASRAAM.

And ASRAAM is likely going to be the superior missile for the typical WT combat.

IRIS-T would be the superior missile at 5-10 kms, but past about 15kms ASRAAM would be the superior missile and in theory, could hit a target out to 40-50kms, IRIS-T would max out at maybe 25kms

The point… is that aircraft, operated by different nations, with different weapons, should use said differernt weapons. German Typhoon with IRIS-T vs British Typhoon with ASRAAM would actually be interesting.

Typhoon with ASRAAM vs Typhoon with ASRAAM would be boring.

Likewise, Typhoon with IRIS-T AND ASRAAM, would be totally OP.

In instances where multiple nations field nearly the same aircraft, if there are oppotunities to diversify nations by giving them different (and entirely accurate) loadout options, we should. Otherwise we are left with everyone flying the same thing and then having countries at all just becomes pointless.

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