Britain Air Forces

i still dont get it. Gaijin have stated multiple times they will use Australia and other commonwealth vehicles to fill holes in the british tree. the F/A18a hornet from the RAAF would fit that bill and with the added benifit that later on it can equip British missiles in the ASRAAM. the RAAF operated legacy hornets up until a few years ago and is still operating Super Hornets now that replaced the F-111

But a top tier jet is still confirmed so it has to be from the commonwealth

If you haven’t already watch Tornado series on the same channel, especially with Roy Macintyre on Tornado F.3.

or ARH.

We just dont know yet. Based upon the leaks, Im guessing Gripen. But I take those with a huge fistfull of salt

I’ll check them out.

I’m really expecting something Commonwealth (mainly because I’m praying we don’t get the Sea Harrier). I don’t know about you but I want to fly an actual air superiority fighter. Personally my most wanted plane that I feel like would fit the game right now is the South African Carver.

The twin engine concept would have two 9K50 engines with about 10% more thrust and be armed with two 30mm cannons as well as two short range air to air missiles (most likely V3C) and two active homing BVRAAMs (most likely V4), though the latter did not enter service with the SAAF until well after the Carver project was canned. Lots of the figures for this plane are either estimates or (mostly) straight up unknowns, so it’s a pipe dream, but I personally love it.

I still feel like the SAAF Gripen with a fudged armament of AIM-9Ms and AMRAAMs is the most likely we could expect if AMRAAMs are to be added. Referring to smin’s quote which I am hopefully not taking out of context, however, I’m not so sure we’re even getting such missiles this patch.

Before you ask or go running to another thread, I don’t know anything that you don’t concerning upcoming vehicles. And I personally believe all the “leaks” going around are hogwash.


also have chance to see Canada leopard 2 add by T-90S devblog

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Lol i hope

Yeah, though Id be kinda annoyed if we get an SAAF prototype but not a BAE prototype like the ACA.

With Gripen C all but confirmed for Sweden (and the most logical top tier for them) it is a safe bet what we are getting. Though Id personally be perfectly happy with FA2, at least for now

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I wouldn’t mind the Aussie Hornet but I’ll be sad it’s not it, not the Canadian one.

Thinking about it despite the fact the F-18 comes up a lot in these discussions we never to about whose is better to come.

With the CF-18/188 I can see 3-4 versions added.
With the RAAF F/A-18 Uhhh- Upgrade is not as clear but looks to be about 3 versions possible.

Both seem relatively equal look at it.

Well we know that various nations will be getting AMRAAM-type missiles at the same time, though we don’t know if that’s every nation. What we do know is that there are very few platforms among other nations that would be worse for War Thunder than the Sea Harrier, which means we’d be getting shafted. Sure, the radar and missiles are good - apparently extremely good, actually, but the fact that you’re flying a Gen 1 Harrier can’t be understated.


To be honest, between remaining native A2A options and A2G, as well as some older additions as well. I dont think we really need more than 1, at most 2 CW fillers until Typhoon becomes a very real option

Canadian Leopards 2, an LAV-III and the CF-18 to go with the ADATS and I’d have my dream top tier line-up.

yeah i understand at the end of the day they are the same aircraft (in game) the Aussie one will have more loadout options i belive. id be happy with either if the CF18 is added i’ll just make a RAAF skin

After all, Britain getting a gripen would be very nice for British mains, as it pretty much secures Britain to be the only nation in the game that will eventually have 2 of the 3 main modern European delta wing fighters? (Gripen, Rafale, EF) Unless Italy gets some Hungarian Gripen which I doubt… Although I’m not an expert on this stuff so I might be missing some nation.

True, but at hte same time, if not as an early adopter of AMRAAM, when? I’d hate to see the FA2 added as a SQV in 2 or 3 years time, largely untouched by most of the playerbase,

FA2 would have disadvantages, but its those same disadvantages that would allow it to come early, it would be an ideal test aircraft would not adversely affect top tier balance like many others would if they got ARH.

Italy has few options besides Typhoon. I am expecting them to get Gripen from hungary at some point.

AIM-9Ms aren’t too advanced as they’re already here.
It’s been confirmed countless times that Gripen can use 9Ms but people reject this for no reason.
We already have over 50 vehicles that use ammunition that historical militaries didn’t equip for cost & timeline reasons.
We’re playing a war games simulator, not historical reenactments.

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SAAF operate the Gripen with IRIS-T. That is what he is referring too. If SAAF Gripen was added to Britain, it would not have IRIS-T and likely Aim-9M instead as an ahsitorical loadout option

Isnt the ENTIRE point of war thunder its accuracy to realism and detail.

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Gripen can use 9M, thus 9Ms would be historical in that context.
This fact does not change no matter how many times people deny it.

Realism & accuracy > historical reenactments.

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