Britain Air Forces

KGV next update? tbh the US naval tree needs the most help (60s reloads are just ridiculous). only NC or SD will save it

I thought he was going to to bonk us for looking into his comments to hard

But yea after what he said yesterday the Hornet is our only real option

I need to get my story right. after our new news about this topic.

After an F-18 if it comes, there is the SA Gripen(with A-historical load out?) and an Indian plane?
What is left for domestic airframes with what we have been told?

canadian cf-18, cause the Austrialian one is a superhornet

Ah fair enough

Top tier


Sea Harrier FA2
Tornado F3 FSP
BAE Hawk (tenatively top tier)


Non-Top tier:

Well… I’ve got an entire list going for that.

I remember watching a interview with FA.2 pilot. Guy told a story how once in his Sea Harrier he locked on one of three Tornado F.3s flying together at some crazy distance and kept the lock despite them being in a constant 90* notch.

Sounds about right. FA2s use to enjoy screwing with F3s

We operated legacy hornets and now super hornets.

the legacy hornets could also use ASRAAM when added

Actually I feel like I have to dig up that interview again because of how interesting it was. From dogfights, BVR to sudden scramble to some exercise / war game. Very cool stuff

Sounds interesting, if you find it, do you mind sharing it please

You guys have Growlers too iirc

F/A 18 A/B and yeah E/F/G Super hornets

I mean japan got a fictional f16 so why not, what I’m trying to say is that at this point they aren’t as conservative when it comes to vehicle implementation

wut? none of the listed Aussie hornets are fictional

I believe it’s the 1st one but other 2 are also interesting

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Thank you

and good old Paul Tremelling

All Hail Tremmors

I see.

Well, I see the want for the Hornet or Gripen now.

I’ve just been blindly Supporting the CF-18/188 in the UK because it’s Canadian I want more Canadian stuff(well not completely blindly because if I were I wouldn’t have a problem with the US getting it but I do)

Yep, The next best option after that is a Prototype/nerfed Typhoon, but that got hard-denied too and so did any possible prototype airframes. Unfortunately. Without Aim-120Bs and with them confirming they have 0 interest in adding any further CAS to Britain, so no Harrier Gr9A or Tornado Gr4 currently. Britain simply has nothing.

(Why I kinda got a little pised in another thread that was basically, dont add ARH for another few years)