Britain Air Forces

i would say the same and think its out of place however. t90 in ground tree and where else would it go? the grippen seems like a no (SAAF would be weird its IR missiles are too advanced) F18 if added to just the british would piss off alot of people and if it goes to america also pisses of more people.

Well, if we get an Indian aircraft, despite the F-18, Gripen C, Sea Harrier FA2, Harrier Gr9A, Tornado Gr4, Typhoon DA2, EAP, etc etc all being aircraft left to be added. Then I think it would make the British players very pissed.

US mains will just have to share and Gripen C with Aim-9M and Aim-120 is always a possibility.

IR limited Gripen is a completely unrealistic assumption. If that was the case we would’ve been playing AIM-9L limited Gripen A for 6 months already.

With early AIM-120 (A/B), early R-77 and ARH limitation to single pylons we would keep the balance. F-16C would still carry only 6 missiles total, same with the Gripen and MiG-29SMT (even Mirage 2000-5F with MICA). Needed additions would be early XF-2A prototype with APG-68 radar + AIM-120A/B, F-4F ICE (DOA lol) and addition of AIM-120A/B to F-16ADF in Italy (or a new C&P ADF) and F-16MLU in China (or a new C&P MLU). Simple, cheap introduction of ARH with coverage of all nations except France (unless they gimped MICA on M2K).

The only thing that has be changed is amount of players in battle and addition of multiple spawns in Air RB.

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Also radar performance is a marginal factor with ARH. All you need is TWS MPRF and range.

Perhaps, but I’d still be worried about the same few aircraft being totally dominant. Assyemtrical ARH addition would actually allow for Britain to get a native addition and not be DOA.

At least assuming we dont get any with DL

We both know it won’t happen… at least not for Britain alone. JA37D, F-4F ICE, AV-8B+, Sea Harrier FA.2, Tornado FSP, MiG-21-93 and so on getting AIM-120A/B or early R-77 together before 4th gens is far more possible but I still doubt it will happen

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I dont think Britain alone would get it. But aircraft like the Mig-29 or F-16 simply dont need it.

I agree on that. I’d prefer to take things slow and give 3++ gens some advantage (new toys) before going full wild with AIM-120C5 and R-77-1 or any ARH missiles on full 4th gen platforms.

Yep, which would eliminate the Tornado F3. Strictly speaking, the Full FSP upgrade would be Aim-120C5s and ASRAAM.

ASRAAM would be out of the question obviouisly and whilst I think the F3 made use of left over stocks of Aim-120Bs, they would be more limited performance, I do not think they had DL which the F3 would really need.

It would be an ideal candidate for an early adopter of DL, but I dont think it would get ARH this update, assuming we do get ARH.

FA2 just has too many natural handicaps and has an ideal loadout for the current game. I also really dont want to see the FA2 end up like the FRS1.

Just because it carried these irl doesn’t mean it will get them in the game. It’s actually better to keep it healthy at lower BR thanks to early AIM-120 and AIM-9M/Li or whatever instead of pushing it with full historical loadout just to suffer later against F-15C uptiers for example.

I know you’d like to see your FSP in its full glory but it just won’t happen like with many other vehicles in game.

(actually written that before reading the whole thing so don’t take it too seriously lol)

Every AIM-120 had datalink and INS. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be able to be FnF LOAL. AIM-120B improved seeker and guidance systems together with QOL improvements.

If Aim-120Bs could operate with DL, then yeah, that would be fine, but the F3 would need that upgrade. No DL, no point adding them to F3.

Of course the lower the BR the better, but at the same time, It is barely a competitive airframe at 11.3. Even with any AAM upgrade it will shoot up, but its airframe will not improve. So the F3 will always have superior weapons at whatever BR it might be at, and the higher the BR, the greater the AAM advantage. (no different to R-73s found on the Su-25 at 11.0, Or Aim-9Ls found on 10.0s)

FA.2 is sad. Only 6 missiles total with 2 of them being AIM-120, no guns, only 60 flares and 1st gen Harrier FM. oof

I’d still love to play it tho

Perhaps. I’d run it with 3x Aim-9M and 1x BOL so thats 220 CMs and then 2x AMRAAM. I dont care much for the 30mm ADENs, I can never hit anything with them (this is 100% a skill issue/muscle memory) though if you are in a situation where you need to use Guns, then you’ve failed in the FA2.

But my god, the Blue Vixen…

I can see it being a dedicated hit-and-run jet to the point where you never actually reach the battlefield but rather cruise around yeeting missiles in the furball and then burning away.

Yeah, Though it is entirely dependent on what else is about also yeeting AMRAAM

Notching? Never heard of it lool

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I thought that was smin typing for a min there lol

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All shall fear the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (I think the only competant air force Britian has had) :P
