Britain Air Forces

Nah it’s got to be something from Canada or India I would lean towards India as they are a bit more unique

Yeah, what I take from that convo is that in essence, Britain isn’t allowed to get new weapons, we can only get weapons found on other nations. If they aren’t introduced via another nation (most likely US) we won’t get them.

Despite having absolutely nothing to do with the UK

Did they say we would get a new top tier jet ?

Anymore Harriers got denied
The Tornado Gr.4 is out

So the only ones are left are pre production Typhoons like EAP. Or stuff from other country’s

It was confirmed in Attilla Q&A

FA2 wasn’t denied, but requires AMRAAM.
Tornado F3 with placeholder weapons is possible (Aim9M and 120Bs)
Harrier Gr9A was denied
tornado Gr4 was denied
EAP has so far been denied
Typhoon has been denied

So after that Gripen with placeholder weapons
Or something else


Tbh that not really “new” though I mean I’m guessing it a new model

Same model, same radar (maybe software upgrades but no idea what those would do), same everything.

Just different weapons

Yea so it’s not really new though just updating it.

Yeah, but most hope it would be a “new” aircraft in game. So we’d have 1 at 11.3 and another at 12.3

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Bro I would hate that, that like giving someone a present a year later taking it back but add a few things here and there and re wrapping it again.

Honestly that worse than getting the SH

It would be fine as an addon. Something + Tornado F3 [Late] would be good.

The question remains what is that something and that F3 upgrade would still require AMRAAM (also what AMRAAM also heavily influences what it would be like. Aim-120Bs, would be a sidegrade to the Skyflash STs, useful, good, but not great. Aim-120C5s with DL would be a major buff and make the F3 a monster in BVR,)

So how Fox3s are Intro’d is quite a major question for the future of the F3

I don’t know how much better the Active Skyflash would be compared to the 120B but from what I can gather it would be heavier but possibly a better motor. Again I have no data on the motor at all in terms of burn time or force.

My fear for Skyflash active is the same problems we have with Skyflash ST, SRAAM, Red Tops, Starstreaks etc. Its a niche missile, would only be on 1 platform. So bug reports would be a low prio. At least with Aim-120B, multiple nations would use them. Including the US and bug reports would get sorted fast.

Also, we’ve been denied our modified Aim-9Ls and Ms. Our native ARH that never entered service has no chance

Theoretically, let’s say that SAAF Gripen is the chosen one
What missiles does SAAF Gripen have at disposal?

IRIS-T or A-Darter. They never imported Aim-9 or Aim-120 (I dont think SA has any BVRs in their arsenal currently)

So it would have to be placeholders from whatever Sweden has on theirs.


Yeah… I wouldn’t bet on the Gripen then
I will maintain opinion that CF-18 should be added

EDIT: A-Darter is Python 4 level missile

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AMRAAM is still possible…

So FA2 is still a good choice. The issue with F-18 is that the US is rumoured to also be getting the F-15. So if, after the year they’ve had, they ended it with both the F-15 and F-18. That would be kinda insane. Only reasons I slightly doubt F-18

I think they had A-Darter or at least the Cheetah did or something and they used up old stock. Either way, if it was accurate it would be IR only, leaving Britain had a huge disadvantage (which only makes it more likely I suppose)

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Oh lord…
Wiki article on A-Darter sure sounds reassuring

As of November 2022, no combat capable missiles had been produced.

Then again… 2S38 is a thing in WT, so go figure

Yeah… I think we can asusme that IF we got the Gripen C, it would have C&P whatever the Swedes had.