Britain Air Forces

just add Canada commonwealth subtree in next updoot, everything will be fine


Watch as they don’t add any of the domestic stuff like the Rams, Grizzyls, LAVs, Sextons, CF-100 and CF-105 etc. but only the unmodified stuff. not even the modifications only Canada used like C1 and C2 leopards.

Because the Snail only listens to info the could make Western nations bad.

Imagine the outroar if Britain got Canadian 2A7s (I think they have 2A7s)

Edit: 2A6Ms

I don’t think so we bought Dutch 2A6(2A6NL) and Germany gave us some 2A6M which were modified into 2A6M CAN. for Afghanistan.

oh, you figured it out.

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That would be amazing tbh I mean theres already basically half a leopard in the Vickers MBT and Chally 2E so I think its fair
/s …maybe?

eh. I guess tho the UK didn’t need(Or shouldn’t have needed) a subtree or use the Comweath stuff in the first place. There is a reason why they are a major in the military part.
South Africa should have been an independent tree in the first place (more so than the nation I push for the most- Canada)
Canada despite what most would tell you with almost nothing but domestic designs would have a Japan-size(small) tree, with modification medium and C&P large.
going threw ANZAC post on the old forms and elsewhere I’m sure I could build a small tree with Gaijin rules.

But then again their same rules are why the CF-18, RAAF F/A-18 and SAAF Gripen are in this debate. “Rules for me not for thee” as the saying goes.

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Well seem AMRAAM will coming soon so i’ll vote for cf-18


I can’t say I know much either, I’d assume some of it’s flight performance maybe?

So after seeing last night’s discussion we can rule out the Gripen D. Which isn’t so bad, it didn’t have a gun and would be like what the SMT is to the 9-13 but in this case even worse because the T/W is 0.96.

confirmed what?

Why does that matter? It’s still the British Military using it for training.

The gripen

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it depends on how the snail sees it doesn’t really matter if the raf use it or not as long as they see it being not a private company then it is possible

It’s been confirmed for Sweden? Mind sending me a link?

Isn’t a huge chunk of the current Russian army made up of private companies?

That doesn’t really matter the snails rules changes all the time so it could be done but highly unlikely

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i found this but it was confirmed to be the gripen somewhere

it was confirmed in the old forum


I am praying to god it is the South African Gripen for the UK. Another Harrier would be so boring even if it comes with AMRAAMs


rather cf18 but anything other then a harrier ill be happy


just wanted to leave it here: