Britain Air Forces

Yeah, except in a 16 v 16 match doing that is equivalent to digging your own grave

The Tornadoes should already have AIM-9M’s.
I can’t even think of a sentence to describe what I’m thinking. The F-16 has it with a great flight model and HMS.


At a full BR above tho. Welcome to compression.

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I never know if Gaijin cares about their game. Sometimes they do sometimes they care more about their income than the people who are paying them.

If Skyflash ST was properly fixed/finished, The F3 (and any other 2 seaters) got an appropriate buff such as this and then recieved Aim-9Ms, then I think 11.7 wouldnt be entirely unreasonable for the F3.


Would be cool if the co-pilots actually did anything, especially in jets with manually guided bombs and missiles or complex radars like the thread creator suggests. However I can see mechanics like that bringing in a whole slew of balancing problems

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Perhaps. Its tricky. But I know in SB, I feel quite handicapped in the F3 because the search modes on the radar really feel like they need to be constantly manually slewed about. Its very narrow. A single seater tends to have more search modes with wider scope. It really limits how you can play aircraft like the F3 in that gamemode. Especially with some of the current control limitations we have

So another option could be some “automated” search modes. Some pre-programmed movements to replicate a co-pilot moving the radar about


Yeah, I don’t even bother with manual radar adjustments anymore when I’m flying the Phantom and Tornado. Anything beyond switching between modes and scope settings is way too finicky in them for what little advantage you get if you manage to get all settings right

Yeah, I keep it pointed forward and moving it left nad right only. I tried vertical axis, but it was just too much to do at once. Sticking low means that 99% of the time anything in front of you is at the same alt. But have been taken out a few times by someone above my radar sight line

Yup, vertical axis would only really matter if the existence of Phoenixes and R27ERs didn’t pretty much force everyone to fly low

Yeah, it wouldnt be too bad if it could done with relative control enabled. the issue is, you pull your nose up and your radar stays looking at the same bit of sky. Which means if Im pulling my nose up to look at someone, I have to slew my radar up at the same rate. If relative control could just be toggled, then it would be a MASSIVE buff for the F3

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What’s bugged/unfinished on it?

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These bug reports are outstanding that I know of, but if nothing else, the missile can be a little buggy at times. They dont always track great and still once in a while, will just randomly explode even with a great PD lock.

Skyflash and Skyflash SuperTEMP maximum flight time too short

Skyflash unable to match real life test results

Skyflash should be able to hit target flying at 100 ft (33 m)

Skyflash seeker performance too poor against side aspect targets

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The issue with not hitting low alt targets affects all radar missiles not just the Skyflash. If it is fixed it will be for all missiles.

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I dont think its quite universal. R-27ER for example im not sure how good they are at low alt (IRL). I think the Skyflash was a little better at it than the Aim-7Ms were as well

No radar missiles are able to hit low flying targets in game, probably on purpose. If it has to fly 60 seconds to the target it won’t probably hit that, it barely has energy to hit targets at ~20km. Yeah it does get notched fairly easily and it can be annoying. Honestly none of this seems that great to move it up. I don’t think there’s need for it to go up to 11.7, it is already one of the best 11.3s. (ahh forgot you’re a sim player)

Even if it’s unrealistic, SARH missiles are programmed to not be reliable at low altitudes. Gaijin most likely did that for balancing reasons, considering even the earliest SARH missiles are modelled with a Inverse Monopulse Seekerhead despite not having one IRL

I wasnt saying that Skyflash buffs alone would result in 11.7, but that Skyflash buffs + Aim-9M + Some other buff such as radar control improvements, or something pertaining to a 2 seater. Then it “could” go to 11.7.

Though as an SB main, the F3 is already 11.7 in my eyes and due how EC brackets work, might as well have a 12.3 battle rating. 12s/12.3s is all it sees 95% of the time in SB. So 9Ms, AMRAAM, etc. I’ll take any buff I can get

Nope. It’s due to how radar missiles work currently. It doesn’t guide to the locked on target but instead at the centre of the box that surrounds the target. At low alt the box drops significantly. If the target is at say 30m above the ground then the radar box will go to 0 and the missile will not be a hitile unless you were trying to hit the ground

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It’s sim BR is really bad, I don’t even understand why it sits there, but in an RB vision it really doesn’t need buffs and go up, F-16s and Mig-29s are the ones that should go up.