Britain Air Forces

Red Top had front aspect capability (just with a 20° deadzone around the nose) against sub sonic targets. Two separate primary sources confirmed that.

But the biggest issue with Red Top in game is that Gaijin modelled it with ludicrous amounts of drag, so it is kinematic performance is far worse than it should be. That was bug reported over 3 years ago.

Is that so?

Aside from it not being an ASRAAM at that point so you trust Gaijin to get around to properly un-nerfing it? Look at the amount of work the French community needed to put in to get Magic 2 made somewhat better.

How about we just get a CF-18 (or some other commonwealth aircraft)? That’s better than a completely made up aircraft in my books.

Now that’s an idea I could get behind.


I listed a number of other rule-bending cases after that. Primarily I mean in reference to its inability to carry the R-60M and the cutout supposedly being unsuitable for the IRST it has received in-game.

There is documented evidence of Jaguars using AIM-9G.

Not the version we have in game. It was not adapted for AIM-9G/L like the later S.2B.


The S. 2B would be a great plane to get at some point,

Intergrated flares
And I think it has more modern ordience, what’s not to love about it?

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The Swift F.7 was given the same application of standards when it was given its 30mm canon as the Yak-141 received. (Never fitted, but planned and there is empty space in the fuselage).

There isnt a double standards here. I’m not sure why the EAP keeps coming up, as it was a technology demonstratior aircraft that was never armed and as per the manufacturers site, never intended to be. It was a proof of concept by BAe to show the basic overall aerodynamic concept of what the Typhoon would eventually become, would work. It wasn’t even a Typhoon prototype.

It has no weaponary, countermeasures, combat functioning radar or RWR to even work with. There is no comparison to it in game and there is no need to restort to a tech demo aircraft like that. We have already said the few aircraft that remain in game like that (R2Y2) may possibly be replaced in the tree if counterparts can be found.


Good news everyone

saw some people saying this is apparently a CF-18?

They both look the same either way. The only difference is an ID light and I’m not seeing anything here.

i see, just dont wanna jump the gun and get excited for something fun for top tier UK as neither Canada or Australia operated the FA-18 D to my knowledge, which is what this looks like with the two seat arrangement as the CF/FA-18B was the trainer version.

Edit: i think im just blind and im looking at what is probably just electronics behind the pilot seat and thinking its a second seat

Even if it is a twin seat:


We’re coping, I’ve more than accepted we won’t get it although I still think a concession so the UK can receive any sort of fighter would be a positive step considering as of current we have no domestic options between FGR and Eurofighter. And yes i recall we are to receive an “aircraft”.

Furthermore its almost a moment away from greatness, it would give the UK a true contemporary to the other aircraft in-game for the first time since the FG phantoms, which is something we all deeply desire.

But Gaijin does change/bend rules (as is their right) to suit the needs of certain nations, they just haven’t done it for Britain.

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copium time

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No the F/A-18 isn’t denied only the one that ex harrier pilots have been using for over a decade.

And no we are not getting the SAAF Gripen ether as they have confirmed the only way for SAAF to come would be ether premium or events.

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Also just saying don’t get your hope up

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They will never add an F-14 to any country other than America because it is pretty much the only “unique” 4th gen fighter america has, everything else has been mass exported and is present (or will be) in other tech trees
(Iran is not in game)

That is a pretty fair point now I think of it.

In the end, exclusivity creates sales, and money is the biggest motivator

Currently gaijin no plan consider premium pack pre-order aircraft toptier rank 8 (11.3 or 11.7 ~ 12.3 BR) until introduced rank 9 (13.0 ~ 13.7 BR)

I guess gajin might consider rank 9 for 4+ gen fighter & 4th gen fighter aircraft 2003 ~ 2010’s era Q4 2024 or 2025

But feeling a little unsure gajin consider add premium pack pre-order aircraft toptier rank 8 with introduced rank 9 at the same time ? 🤔

I quite believe that gajin consider new event vehicle aircraft rank 8 toptier in winter event december this year

Dude when I SAAF I mean all tiers, past rank 6 would properly be event vehicles without premium.

Very real. I can relate to that

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So is this f/a18 leak creditable