Britain Air Forces

Most nations have. Unless we start getting “Prototypes” like the CR3. Japan though may yet get the K2.

But I suppose this is where ground additions go from new MBTs, to new IFVs, Light tanks, SPAA, and new features for older stuff that was previously omitted. Which might move stuff up BRs. Make the TTs wider but not taller

I thought so as well. meanwhile Nato mains can finnaly catch up with stuff like Sepv3 and leo2a7V

Assuming they arent handicapped. L27A1 on the CR2s and most other top tier NATO tank shells, should be able to pen the T-80BVM Era. Just lacks Perforation.

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Other then megatron and some other versions what is left for top tier mbts for uk

But the same core though, Im guessing it would be the same as going from the 2F to the TES. But instead 2E to teh Megatron. Same shell with the same nerfs, Same tank with the same mobility issues, etc. What Britain really really needs right now, is the Ajax, Warrior VERDI2, Tracked Rapier, AS-90, etc.

Yeah IFVs not light tanks

seems that the current 99a and BVM are both early 2010s variant, I wonder if they did any upgrades in the past decade. of course NATO trees in game needs much more help and it’s urgent, I’m just concerned that gaijin will consider something like BVM 2023 before giving NATO players something on par (I saw it on a leak list and it scares me)

CR2E is 2008 ish (at least thats when they stopped selling it) . So Britain at least is pretty close. Tank wise, its mostly things like upgraded optics, so better thermals, etc. Also more advanced firing computers which arent modelled in game. The big upgrade would be the better shells. That would punch through BVM ERA even without perforation.

YESSS finally we don’t have to aim for lfp weak spots! I’m sick of BVM fuel tanks and ammo rack eating mey DM53

Yeah… Thats the thing Soviet mains just dont get. They think its balanced because we “can” pen them. But where we have to aim for a speicifc rivot or we do no damage. They just have to hit us for a kill. I think most soviet mains would rage quit instantly if they even tried most western tanks. My god, theyd freak out instnatly with the APDS of BR7 British tanks

I’m currently at the centurions and APDS is just… it makes me want to puke

Yeah, they do say, if you want to learn shot placement, play Britain. That BR was painful, gave up and just bought the Chally DS. Which would be amazing, if it had L26 shells like its suppose to have.

I could kinda see why people are jealous of tiger 2s or panthers. decent APHE is such a blessing

Yeah… That BR really really sucked. I think the worse thing that ever happened to me was going round the corner in one of the BR6/7 tanks (I dont recall which one) and just fidning myself face to face with 3 Tiger 2s. I got the first shot off at least. Non-pen. Of course

If HESH actually works it would’ve been a unique feature of the UK tree too, but it doesn’t…

You have no idea… Yeah. our sweet, beloved HESH. Most reckon thats the reason why no Scorpion CRV or Abbot SPH. Because they use HESH and Gaijin doesnt want to fix it.

exactly, they either have to buff solid shots or fix HESH. but it seems that Gaijin doesn’t want to

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Yep, thats the worse thing about this entire top tier situation for Britain. Most are fully willing to accept, Britain has messy additions for the next few months at top tier until we get Typhoon. (doesnt mean we should get nothing, we have options, but i’ll fully admit, now, none of those are overly good) But instead they could admit to that, say “hey Britain isnt going to be getting much for the next few months in top tier, so instead, take these” and give us some really really solid lower tier additions. Everything from Hawk or Gnat, to the TSR2 or Vulcan. or even stuff much lower. and we’d be happy (no excuse for the chronic dry spell of additions we’ve had over the past few years) Even just Fixing old stuff, like HESH, SRAAM or Red Tops would go a very long way.

Id be more than willing to accept Britains top tier fate, if it wasn’t for the universal neglect. So many great additions just never added (I’d love the Jaguar Gr3A because it has HMD and I’ve never used a jet with HMD, sounds interesting, especially in SB) and the stuff we do have, just isnt finished, a lot of things feel like they started them, and then just moved onto other things half way through.


currently I’m grinding USSR, France, UK, and Germany. none of them seems to be doing to great except USSR (maybe germany but the CN playerbase literally calls it little sweden)

Yeah, I think im going to have to start playing another nation, France is looking maybe the best, but I just dont want to even think about that for now. Gunna put WT on the shelf till December and see if Gaijin actually lives up to their promise or not. Even though they’ve said we are getting a top tier aircraft in december, I dont believe it until its actually, officially, added to the game, Britain has been screwed too many times recently for me to trust it entirely on faith.