Britain Air Forces

I have Germany, the entire air and ground tree, but I’m British, sometimes you want that patriotic feel, but you can’t get that past WW2 Lmao not even in naval…, early 50’s at most with the Swift F.7. I don’t want to play a game that represents us as some blundering idiots with no real idea what we are doing.

If I comment on the Hunter i’m gonna start coping and listing all 7 variants of the thing we could have to replicate the J34, Hunter F.58 etcetera.

But instead i’m gonna uninstall and take a weeks break.

Im probably the only guy who won’t mind a indain mig29k

Yeah… I have Britain air, Heli and bluewater tree fully researched, Ground im at top tier, coastal I may look into eventually (but it needs some love first, Gamemode I mean)

Im british, I want to play Britian. But more than that. I’ve already invested not only huge amounts of time, but bought premium time and Premiums to aid with the grind. Starting again would just make all that a waste. I was looking at france or Sweden, but the thought of just getting through the low tiers, with rank 1 crew, in ARB, was just too painful to even think about. I rarely play anything below BR6 I like the higher tier stuff.

If Britain was looking solid, with a decent colleciton of aircraft already, then it would be fine. It would add diversity. My fear is that we get the Mig-29 and then nothing for another year. If I wanted the Mig-29, Id have grinded the Soviet TT. I really want the Shar and I want to love the Tornado and the day we get Typhoon will be amazing (especially with the blackjack livery) Unfortunately now, none are truly viable options anymore.

So I get the appeal. After several years of playing with massive handicaps. I just have fears about what it means for the rest of the TT. Would a Mig-29 mean no FA2, No Tornado upgrades, no Hawk and a massive delay to the Typhoon. I fear the answer

I mean I have the German one but I guess a planes a plane better than any of the reasonable shit we’ve proposed so far if it gets R-77. Bar the CF-18.

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I have Sweden half way through air and ground.

France I have the premium Yak-3 im skipping past the low tier props which I know I don’t like to things im familiar with (seafire) and onto jets. Tanks I tried low tier, loathed it, i’ll probably get the premium amx-sherman thing.

That’s if I get round to grinding France.

Fair enough your looking bigger picture i understand that maybe that kinda stuff is better for groumd where it diversify a line up like t90 which i love as its a change of pace
I do hope for canadian leopard in uk tech tree at some point cause i don’t know if there is anymore vickers tanks for that line

I decided to grind usa ground cause i already did air

I was thinking about buying the Mirage F1 before the last 2 updates, but screw giving Gaijin any money at the moment. They didnt even need to add much, just something, anything but nope. 2 back to back updates with nothing.

Im never grinding a ground tree ever again. the economy in GRB doesnt make any sense, and until they fix even a handful of bugs for the Cr2, its shelved for now completely

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I’m Chinese but I’ve never really played the chinese tech tree, though I do understand your sentiments. the 99a feels unique to me in a way


Yeah, Im air first. naval second, ground stone dead last. Never been a fan of it. The thing I really dont get about the T-90 though, is why another MBT. I get that its different to the Cr1s and other MBTs at that BR. But they could have added an Indian Light tank or IFV at the same BR, and they wouldnt have gotten a single complaint, I may have even grinded it. but I fear the T-90 was just a band-aid, meant to keep Britain going for the next 6 months

Just the stuff I grew up with. We always went to airshows growing up and just got tickets today for RIAT (Royal International Air Tattoo) next year. So I have an actual emotional connection to these aircraft that I just dont get with other aircraft from other nations. I got to see the Vulcan during her last flight. If they added a Vulcan, Id play it every single day without complaint (so long as they modeled the noise right)

I just love the russia bias with its era that better then tes that is a whole br above it
It it sort of band aid but i find it fun

Yeah, tahts fair, I’ve seen quite a few Brits go over to the soviet TT just to enjoy the stuff that normally we suffer against.

Yeah aint gonna grind ussr for while though do usa first
And there tanks are more mobile

that’s totally understandable, tbh the ZTZs are inferior in game (at least compared to BVM) so I know plenty of players on the chinese WT forums that became USSR mains. I’d say that at least 50 percent of the Chinese playerbase are russian mains

Yeah, F-111 looks interesting, that would have been fun to fly if I was that high. I did play US a bit years ago, so just entering rank 4. But I just dont have the patience for a new TT at the moment.

Yeah, im not surprised, though the JH7 does look like things are starting to look up for China. Interesting to see if that continues or if you join Britain in the “minor nations must suffer” club

Well in terms of air maybe (they’ll eventually add j-10, j11, j15, or even j20s), but on the ground I don’t really think anything will come after 99a. same thing goes for Russia and Japan. We’ve already reach our most modern tanks

T90M won’t surpass the BVM, and japan doesn’t have anything after the type 10 either