Britain Air Forces

Everyone is getting new good stuff, better cameras, etc. If they already gave it 9Ms I highly doubt were seeing the GR.9 anytime soon. So why not give it the goddam sniper already? :(

Short term stop gap? Its better than 11.3s vs 12.7s in a couple of months.

Just need something to tie us over till Typhoon early next year and ASRAAM with reduced capabilities could be one possible solution. Another could be F-18 or Gripen. Another could be Aim-120C5s for the F3 vs Aim-120Bs on the F-16. Another could be Typhoon DA2 sooner rather than later.

There are many solutions for top tier balance. But “Britain is minor nation… Must Suffer… 'MERICA!” is just not any solution

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And then people would complain that Gaijin is nerfing Britain on purpose again.

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Yeah, at this point, it needs it. No MAWS still and one of the worse T-Pods in the game at top tier.

Yeah I’d say that the idea is somewhat risky as gaijin tend to refuse to fix post launch stuff, they’d rather release a copy paste 29G than give the 9.12 it’s r73s, or a new leopard rather than give the PSO it’s frontal armor add-ons

I didn’t know I needed something better until I tested Damocles on the M2K

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You are a great example of a one nation nationalist, and an even better example of why Gaijin cant really lean into community advice about balance or implementation. You ONLY own the UK TT, and have been vying for a UK-best solution in all arguments, to somehow achieve parity or better for any given UK vehicle at any BR.

Add EFT, nerf ASRAAM, only 9L on 16C, 9M on Sea Harrier etc etc

PS: check my score-card for extra spicy ad-hominem ;)

There is a difference between outstanding bug reports and missing features with absolutely no effort to communicate anything, even when asked directly about it and gaijin saying:

“Hey, this is what we are going to do. We are adding ASRAAM for “X” Timeframe, with these reductions of stats, so they are balanced for these specific aircraft only at this BR. If we feel things need to change a bit, we will adjust the stats”

They made up an entire aircraft for Japan. I feel an AAM should be fairly easy

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I want every nation to be playable. At hte moment, the only nations not viable at top tier is Sweden and the UK. Sweden is an easy fix, Gripen C. Job done. Britain though…

As for your “I want the britain to be the best” You do know i was saying Sea Harrier FA2, which would be sub-sonic aircraft, with inferior turning rates to everything else above 11.0+ should have been one of the first in with IRCCM is proving that how?

If I said Typhoon F2 with ASRAAM and AIm-120C5s next update, fair enough. But I didnt. Sea harrier Fa2 would be the exact opposite of OP. Assymetrical AAM additions would have been the perfect solution for top tier britain.

If FA2 had been the first with AMRAAM or IRCCM IR missiles, then some form of balance could have been possible,

Though i’ve even advocated for the opposite. If Britain is destined not to have A2A performance. Then lets lean entirely into CAS and give Britain one of the best CAS in the game. Give us something that maybe outperforms F-16C or F-14B for CAS. Was the direction I reckon they were going in for the Gr7 and Gr1. But then just stopped and left them underpowered.

Tornado Gr4 or Harrier Gr9A, with Brimstone (even if they were just reskinned AGM-65Ds) with Sniper pod. Would give us a solid 12.3-12.7 CAS option. With the better engine and HMD on the Gr9A or the ECM/MAWS on the Gr4. They’d certainly get to target.

No I understand and you’re right but the UK stopped development of things like the HS.1202 after this agreement was signed. Its unfortunate I agree and such paper aircraft don’t need to be added.

But reasonable additions based on historical context (like the AJ) I think are more than fair.

For instance F-14K would be an F-14A late, literally just the same AA armament as the F-14B minus the AIM-54c’s (they’d be B’s). This is not overpowered, not a better version of a US aircraft as it would have no CAS ability.

EAP uses mockups to test the viability of adding weapons, short of strapping live weapons to it, you can’t get more intent than that. But I also understand that it is contentious with current available information.

Tornado was an utter mistake, foolish mistake. After they finally fixed the thing it would’ve been just as cheap to go with the F-14K. It was good for strike due to its stability, but it could not do what a fighter does.

If they were willing to do something like this they would’ve already added the Python 4 to the Barak, which they didn’t. yet

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Perhaps… though its still a good airframe. Even with sub par missiles. a canon still works fine. The inverse is not true for something like the Tornado. You arent exactly winning rate fights in that thing. Its reliant on AAMs. so a solution to low performance could be better AAMs.

There are I reckon about half a dozen possible solutions to give Britian, if nothing else. Something semi-playable at top tier. The question is not, is there a solution, its will Gaijin do any of them. Or just give Britain something we didnt want. Like an Indian Mig-29 C&P.

Was good in QRA which is kinda all we needed. The original plan was FA2 with ASRAAM and AMRAAM covering Gr7/9s in a future war and that was scrapped due to politics.

They could even lean in on this fully. Id be more than happy if we just got a unique CAS ability. Brimstones.

Something like the Gr9A (better engine than the Gr7 and with HMD) with I can see an inital cap of 6 maybe 12 Brimstones (instead of the full 18) (probably also with Brimstones missing the auto find target feature) and one of the first with a Gen 3 Pod in the form of SNIPER and being one of a few aircraft with MAWS. it would be a perfectly fun jet at top tier. (would easily be 12.3)

The issue isnt just that Britian is under-performing hard and lacks A2A. it thats every oppotunity we have to get something unique, is just squashed.

Perhaps, I still have nothing positive to say about the aircraft in any ADV form. Good stopgap, but the F-14B would’ve been the same given economies of scale and the ADV being ridiculously bad when it first reached IOC.

But on the other hand I have literally (and I mean literally) nothing positive to say about British defense procurement post 1957 white paper.

That I agree on. FA2 was a vastly superior airframe. But what we lacked in hardware, Britain made up for in skill, tactics and tech.

Yup. But unfortunately this does not translate well to the game. Or any popular culture involving the British military. For the sake of reputation if nothing else I honestly think they shouldn’t have added the tree.

I dont agree on that, we have many examples of aircraft that were superior to most other nations. Sptifire, Hunter, Gnat, etc. Its just gaijin forgetting that we exist that is 99% of the problem. Once per year they go:

“oh yeah, Britain is a nation we added to the game… Hmmmm… well, time to pull something randomly from the hat”

Good but the best one is overtiered compared to P-51H, its tricky when its comparators are jets from 1947.

Yes, but we have the worst iteration, or an overtiered one due to missiles it didn’t even need.

Which we don’t have despite the fact that it was our equivalent to the CL Sabre.

Yes but they removed all the good options.

Anyway, I think I’m done coping but I think I may need to take a break until the next major. Nothing I want to grind anymore, and I get more demoralised by this video game than I ought to be. If they don’t add something decent then I’m done until Eurofighter pops up and by then I might not even care.

I won’t lie, I fucking hate this tree.

Yeah, All i’ve done since the September update is one match of the Subs. It was fun, but I dont want to play loads of matches of it and Im not grinding another tree because they dont want to fix Britain.

But yeah, I agree on those 3. Its kinda crazy how even the times in which Britain should be shining, we just aren’t. Hunter F6 with Fixed SRAAMs (not even buffed, just fixed) would be a fun aircraft to dust off for the next few months. But even that is asking too much apparently