Britain Air Forces

Now your just trying to rage bait get a life

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Then do explain the lack of mantlet armor and 70mm LFP…

It would still have long range, incredible maneuverability, unflarable IRCCM, etc. The only thing holding it back would be the lack of HMD. I don’t quite like the idea of throwing overpowered missiles on bad aircraft, it’s a nightmare for balance and doesn’t solve anything really.

Just wrong. In every single way, Bug report has been submitted for this.


Both bug reports on the list you looked at for 10 seconds

See above

They really weren’t IRCCM could have been given to low performance aircraft like the FA2 to maintain balance. But instead they were given to 12.3s which would have been 12.3 without them.

Already been reported. Every single one of those weapons I believe has been reported internally by @Gunjob

They are still a capability missing from the aircraft

Yes, 6 months ago and nothing, not even more than a hint they are being worked on. If that was a bug report for another nation, they’d have been fixed 6 months ago. But both missiles have been buggy for nearly a year (and they knew about it)


There were 7 year old proposals on the old forums complete with blueprints for these aircraft, they were passed for consideration.

These are not hard to model, one is a Hunter F.6 with a pointy nose-cone and Red tops.

The other is admittedly harder but luckily for Gaijin, the Prototypes blueprints are available with the exception of the nose cone as multiple radars were slated for use.


They nerf everything else Britain has. I really dont see why nerfing the ASRAAM down to just above Aim-9M levels would be all that bad. In the absence of a Gen 4 before the Typhoon, why not add nerfed ASRAAM to a few aircraft. Create balance that way, less mythological than the Yak-141 or F-16AJ

You need quite a bit more than prototype blueprints to model something in game.

They have been… All of them… We have been waiting for some of the CR2 bug fixes for the better part of 2 years.

Do you have a single inkling of what IRCCM is? What its intended to do? And the massive advancement/evolutions of development it has gone through?

Do you know what you are asking for?

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Just give it 9Ms then, what’s the point of an ASRAAM that doesn’t perform like an ASRAAM?


Just to tag onto this as I didn’t clock before. The reason the UK has no 4th generation fighter is because under a NATO initiative signed by the UK and US, the UK focussed on strike aircraft and interdiction, the US however focussed on fighter aircraft.

This was mutually beneficial, the UK got air defense coverage out of RAF Lakenheath from F-15/14/16. Meanwhile the US got the UK’s dispersed operations aircraft for CAS and Tornado’s for low altitude bombing.

This was proven when the US tried bombing runways something like 7 times with F-18’s and missed, the Tornado’s did it first try.

Part of me thinks something like the F-14K would be perfect as the UK signed an DOI and it historically plugs the gap which was plugged by the same aircraft.


9Ms on the Harriers…

Tornado ADV is really good for its BR as it is.

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Could have slightly higher G pull and slightly higher range. Give it a slight advantage over 9Ms. Would be one way of giving aircraft like the F3 and FA2 an edge where there no longer exists because they handed out Aim-9Ms to the F-16 and R-73s to the Mig-29s. They werent needed.

Sea Harrier FA2 with Aim-9M vs F-16C with Aim-9L might have actually been a fair fight at the same BR. But now that ship has sailed, they need to create balance some other way. It wont be via assymetrical AMRAAM, nor will it be via BR. So we need something else

You do, but its a good starting point. They can definitely model these aircraft in-game, there’s literally no reason that they can’t.

Or they could add the Gnat.

I mean for T545 sure lets assume they struggled. But p.1109b, minor improvements with altitude.

Yeah it might permanently ruin ASRAAM, gaijin tend to avoid fixing stuff once released even with suffcient sources. take out leo2 PSO bug report for example it was acknowledged but they refused fix it. don’t tolerate any nerf stuff with the anticipation that it’ll get fixed later on

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Never mentioned it tho…

Was a mistake in my opinion, would have been better to move Gr7 to 11.3 with 9Ls and add Gr9A with 9Ms at 12.0

great, except in SB it has essentially a 12.3 BR and is suppose to be our 12+

Tornado is a 4th gen, just an unfortunately mediocre one.

Yes the USA/UK agreed to split responsibilities, the best alliances allow for this. However its not as if the UK could practically develop the same number of unique indigenous air-frames as the USA. Or that the USA stopped developing advanced A2G munitions (Mav/Paveway/ARM/HARM/GBU-15)


Honestly I’m kinda confused, you were complaining they nerf British stuff and now you’re asking them to nerf British stuff?

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well he’s asking for a nerfed ASRAAM as a stop gap until we receive EF2000