Britain Air Forces


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I’m sad that the F/A-18’s were denied as technically they are filling a gap in the RAF atm

you mean the lease ones

Same with the CF-86s

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I mean what do you call them as they are not own by the RAF but yet they are saving them

Nothing we can do, plus we’d have to wait as IIRC Rhino’s have AESA radars.

I think by the point of those we could have a loadout limited EF T1. Don’t really care about Gaijins opinion on balance on that, M-scan radar with 6 missiles (4bvr and 2 IR) with excellent flight performance is absolutely equivalent to a Rhino with 8 bvr, aesa radar and 2 IR.

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Whats the difference between a CF-86 and a CL-13. I though the CL-13 was the Canadian version of the F-86?

What is the difference between the EF and the Typhoon ?

Lol jinx’s

It is i got muddled with the naming lol

EF=Eurofighter, Britain names all its fighters bar imported ones after some sort of harsh weather condition hence ‘Typhoon’ BAE is also the primary marketer behind the Eurofighter so the UK nickname stuck and that’s what BAE use to market the aircraft.

Sometime’s you see EFT (EuroFighter Typhoon) but that looks too much like external fuel tanks and given the context, it gets misinterpreted more often than I can be bothered with.

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Ahhh I see, damn thought Canada decided to improve the sabre twice…

I wished, like how Japan did there’s by giving it a bigger wing span lol

Ah I see.

But sadly I got to go and get tortured aka going to bed with a cold : D yay

Gn fellas

But Britain should get one tho

I mean CL-13 was the best dogfighter of its era (supposedly although Gnat proceeded to shitstomp it). So i’m not sure but I would’ve thought the CL-13 would be better than the Japanese one.

Probably or we could just get our Gnat’s and call it a day. I find Canadair planes a lot harder to ‘claim’ should be in the British Tree because although British engineers made up a lot of Canadair its not like Avro where the parent company was literally the same but in Britain.

I wouldn’t mind a CL-13 and I don’t think anyone would be mad as its Canadian but the Gnat and Hawk (with only the semi-recessed 25mm aden gunpod) could fill an equal role.

What is that? There is no plane known as CF-86. Oh it’s the CL-13 Sabre.

Yea, it’s the same Aircraft CL-13 Mk 4 in the Italian tech tree. That Britain had.

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Yea a mistake