Britain Air Forces

I would complain because it’s not the aussie one and not a Hawk
US mains would complain because they can’t not complain
Most other players should be fine with it


Of course, but we all know we aren’t getting anything good without someone else suffering, the difference is that when the US or USSR win big, minor nations suffer. Key word being minor.

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That’s true, after the Eurofighter the F-18 is my favourite aircraft

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The SAAF Gripen gets turned down a lot because it would need placeholder weapons

Yup and the ETPS one had no weapons (but was technically capable of fitting them).

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Id rather f/a18 from the aussies just for the possibility of asraams and i don’t want the gripen cause it would be robbing Swedish players

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I wish gaijin could make a quick mock up EFT Model and throw the Tornados engines on it and at least test it

Obviously I know its not that easy but straight up denying the EFT feels wrong

They said they won’t so there we go nothing we can do.

It doesnt help that people regard the EFT as this god-like fighter

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Good-night, I have exams tomorrow and its 1AM, why do I do these things to myself.

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All because theyve beat the Raptor, super unfortunate, not to mention the Raptor had Drop Tanks still apparently

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Only AMRAAMs and maybe GBUs tho

Yea the ADATS came inritually because the same reason the British fighter line is having

That happens alot with the raptor
Oh it got beaten by this plane without mentioning the handicaps the raptor had on to make it lose


I terms of capabilities it wouldn’t even need placeholders, it’s just the IR missiles that the SAAF used on it would be too advanced and the fact that they don’t operate AMRAAMs

It would be a lot like the F-16C and Barak II

It doesn’t need placeholder weapons at all.
Gripen C can use AIM-9s and AMRAAMs, that’s in the manual for domestic & export.

It wouldn’t rob anyone. Sweden is getting a Gripen regardless.

I know that they can use them, they would be placeholders because as a vehicle operated by the SAAF it wouldn’t have access to Sidewinders or AMRAAMs

Doesn’t Britain operate Gripens?

Yes it would, a country not purchasing weapons doesn’t mean the weapons cannot be used.
Weapon availability only matters if the documentation mentions it.

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They have an unarmed Gripen D at a flight school