Britain Air Forces


Tornado ADV was added to Italy 3 months after the F3, directly with the better radar, 6 months AFTER they got the F-16

Tornado F3 was added to Britain 3 months AFTER Gen 4s were added and initially with one of the worst radars in game. Took 3 months to get that upgrade

Tornado IDS was added to everyone at once in the same update as Gen 4s. Whilst yes, Germany also didnt get their Gen 4s till the update afterwards, they did get one. Britain still has nothing competitive 11 months later.

In all likelyhood, IF, and I do emphasise IF we get a Gripen. I reckon it would be like Germany and be in the March update. Im not against 1 to 2 copy paste to dig Gaijin out of the hole they created, but the LAST thing I want, is Britain to ONLY get C&Ps from other nations for the next year+. We only need at most 1 maybe 2 to tie us over till the Typhoon, which could come within 6 months of the december update i reckon. So couple either SAAF Gripen C or Canadian CF-18 with Tornado F3 CSP, Sea Harrier FA2 and then a Ground attacker like the Tornado Gr4 or Harrier Gr9A and we would have as many additions as the US has had this year, with 3-4 options for 12.3/12.7 A2A and maybe 1-2 options for dedicated 12.3+ A2G and thats before Typhoon.

There is just no need to add every single Indian and South African aircraft to the TT.


Hypocrisy or generally the making of controversial decisions seems to be very skewed against Britain.

I’m just waiting, patiently for when they announce the SU-47 to see what minor detail separates it from the BAe EAP.

I can see the merit behind not adding an SA Gripen, but if we get hung out to dry (which includes having just Tornado or Harrier and no fighter) I think it will really show a pattern which is already obvious.

I always find myself questioning why they added Britain as a tree.


If they had planned ahead, then aircraft like the FA2 or F3 could have been made competitive if they were some of the first with Aim-9M, but now we have Gen 4s with Aim-9M that avenue for balance as been shattered


Germany got an entirely different Mig-29 in terms of flight model & visual model.
It is interesting that it took longer to develop 9.12 than 9.13, probably cause 9.13 had more available information.

I dont think dev time had anything to do with it, We’ve just seen the Mig-29G come the update after as well. That is just too much of a pattern to ignore. WHilst yes, a lot of nations got F-16s at the same time, not all of them did.

I can see a delay come either way and part of me is expecting the FA2 this december for a number of reasons and the likelyhood of getting Gripen AND FA2 in the same update is very small

G obviously took more time to research.
The pattern is some aircraft take longer to research & develop, and you cannot know when things will be finished.

And two trips to the National Archives.


wdym by israel

where are their domestically designed jets? and no modified f16s with a Hebrew name doesn’t count

From what ive read its the 122B+ with the additional internal comp with the external package with the L/55

I’m afraid you don’t know even the slightest bit of how different their F-16s are from US versions


might be the case ye

Next you be saying the f2 is just copy and paste

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I will send 3 different threads if he does

Not even trying to be rude ive just had to defend that thing way too many times ;(

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Seeing the discussions in other threads. It’s almost as if bending the rules for the EAP is the best option…


Because Gaijin doesn’t seem to care about balance they should just add the F-22 and Su-57 into the game at 12.3 tomorrow and sell F-15 and Su-35 premiums as the new way to grind up the tree.

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This man is a marketing genius


ok boys what br for the cf-18

12.3-12.7 with SARH’s and 9M’s. Radar is worse than the current one on the F-16 IIRC as well as dogfight performance (bar AOA). It would have more killing potential in bvr than an F-16 due to more hardpoints though, so probably 12.7.

Ignore other jets