Britain Air Forces

I was unsure in the future gaijin consider premium pack pre order aircraft rank VIII (8) and introduce rank IX (9) at the same time like major update “Apex Predators” introduced rank VIII & add premium pack pre order rank VII on december 2022 ?

İ dont remember the exact date but it should be like you mentioned.

Premium rank-7 and 8 was obvious ever since they introduced F-14A and Mig23MLD, it was just matter of time.

South Africa was never intended to add top tier MBTs to Britain. So I’m not sure how that criteria of success came about.

There is no shortage of available MBTs.


I would’ve said you were quite convincing until this part. You can consider every aspect of the Gripen C as it would be reflected in-game, to be worse than that of the Eurofighter Tranche 1A. Literally every single aspect.

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I’ve just realised something from this argument. There are two options then for both Sweden and the UK. Either we both get the Gripen or the F/A-18. Does this seem stupid or am I overthinking here?

Edit: Hell we could get the F-16 alongside the other two from some nations (Sweden from Norway and Britain from Oman or Jordan maybe idk).

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Blatantly untrue: I might as well elaborate now. First off you seem to be overlooking that the Gripen is in excess of 30% British, the avionics are made primarily by BAE systems who also make the Typhoon.

In terms of avionics and all features Gripen C is essentially a smaller version of the Typhoons radar with less total power meaning its significantly weaker than that of the Typhoon. The EWS is on-par up until the AESA radars of later Tranche’s which improve this (the Gripen E’s AESA is again essentially a smaller version of the ECRS MK.0).

Gripen is slower than the Typhoon, has a significantly worse T/W, worse sustained, worse rate of climb, worse capacity, lower number of hard points, and has significantly more drag per metre squared of wing area at a full air superiority load (like you would see in war thunder).

In fact its easier to give you the one area it beats the Typhoon relevant to War Thunder: instantaneous turn is higher due to the close-coupled canards, this is also relevant to the Rafale.

But about the Rafale at subsonic and some transonic ranges it performs better, it has a higher instantaneous turn (close-coupled canards), early variants had a different (but I wouldn’t say better) radar, it carry’s less maximum AAM’s but a higher overall payload (although no loadout possible for the Eurofighter would actually exceed its MTOW), its slower, it climbs slower and more.

But don’t take it from me, take it from an analysis from Justin Bronk, a Research Analyst of Military Sciences at the Royal United Services Institute.

Typhoon is the faster aircraft and has a significantly superior thrust-to-weight ratio which gives it better acceleration at all altitudes. This also allows Typhoon to retain and regain energy faster than Rafale in a horizontal dogfight situation. It also has a significantly higher service ceiling of over 60,000ft which allows it to operate uniquely well alongside the US F-22 Raptors ‘high and fast’ in the air superiority role which is exactly where it was designed to excel. Rafale has a significantly superior load-carrying capability and its manoeuvrability at low speeds and altitudes is also better than Typhoon’s although the margin is slim except where both aircraft are very heavily loaded. In terms of horizontal manoeuvrability, Rafale has the better instantaneous turn rate allowing it to reverse its turns more quickly but Typhoon can sustain higher g’s for longer without bleeding speed. High alpha performance is similar, with both aircraft limited by their air intake placement and lack of thust vectoring although Typhoon’s intakes can at least ‘gape’ slightly to increase airflow at high Alpha and low speeds. Range is almost identical at around 2000nmi with three drop-tanks in ‘ferry’ configuration but in terms of strike missions, Rafale’s greater payload capacity allows it to carry greater under-wing fuel loads for a given strike payload. The high availability of aerial refuelling in both air force’s standard operating scenarios means the small differences are almost unimportant for overall combat effectiveness.

The Snecma M88 is probably the most significant weakness of the basic Rafale design – the engine is underpowered for the aircraft and the development potential in terms of extra thrust is low. This was one of the primary reasons the French left the Eurofighter consortium since the M88 would never have been able to develop enough power for what would become the Typhoon, but the French insisted that it be used. The EJ200 is not only phenomenally reliable but it also has very significant thrust growth potential (easily 20-30%) according to Eurojet. The problem for Eurojet who make the engine is that it works so well that there is very little business for them in terms of upgrades or replacement engines. Existing customers are perfectly happy with the EJ200 as it is.


No no, let him be, this just means we can get Typhoon F2 at 12.7 this december :P


Yeah, you aren’t wrong, that is entirely a possibility, though to be honest, I really hate every nation having the exact same aircraft, makes VID in SB a pain in the butt. So Im really hoping we see more unique aircraft coming in and less dependency on C&P


Not only Britain but Germany, Italy and Japan :P

Remember we offered the Typhoons to Japan :D

If they did that, then Soviets via India as well. And maybe US via Saudi Arabia


And this is why new nations are good for the game. Because if you could add everything to everyone (through related nations) why have tech trees?

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Gaijin when P.125?

BAE P.125

If Tempest looks anything like this i’d probably die from happiness.
(Side note I think the engine intended for this is the same as the Rolls-Royce F136 engine proposal)

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This will upset the US mains too

", Boeing confirmed it had responded to Tokyo’s F-X request for proposals, with its offering based on the US Navy’s Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet Block II. "

We actually already know what the design for Tempest is well more accurate to say GCAP.

It is a merge of Britains Tempest and Japans F-X design

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Maybe they’ll change their mind & make tech tree Norwegian vehicles, for now it’s denied.
So denials of Norwegian vehicles cannot be compared to Swedish & Finnish vehicles.

for all three of these planes the uk could get in some way which won’t happen

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BTW, attitudes, especially hypocritical attitudes, like the one showcased here is another reason I want SA Gripen.
Tornado IDS was added to everyone at once.
Tornado ADV in F3 configuration was added to Italy.

This is entirely a concept to be honest, the final design may be radically different. The prototype unveiling was purely based on Replica to drum up foreign interest (Japan), I happen to know one of the designers working on the aircraft and whilst he cannot provide specific’s he highlighted that current release’s are just conceptual renditions of one possibility at this stage.

The aircraft will definitely share some characteristics with Replica and P.125 though.