Britain Air Forces

The Typhoon has the edge over both Gripen and Rafale in terms of Beyond Visual Range (BVR) combat, top speed, acceleration, manoeuvrability, service ceiling and climb rate.


Well that is up to Gaijin so saying it will be premium only is not certain.

they do as they please

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Existence of Finnish sub tree for both air and ground.

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Yet it doesnt confirm anything.

As i Said on my previous comment its up to Gaijin wether F-16 and F-18 will be added to three or not.

“Arguing the Gripen should go to Britain is like arguing the Typhoon should go to America. Because they’re vaguely friends with Britain, and Britain fields the typhoon.”

Norway isn’t a sub tree tho so why would they add the F-16?

Not without Meteor, also both Rafale and Gripen can use Meteor.

Better then Rafale sure but Gripen has similiar top speed.

Same but this time Rafale is similiar.

Pretty much all of them have same capabilites.

Again very similiar.

Why shouldnt since Swedish tree became Nord tree.

Officially Norway is supposed to be premium material for Swedish tt iirc, not to fill tt gaps

So either way F-16 should be added to the Swedish tree.

this aint my words but it from the RUSI and this for modern times and may not include the new upgrades to the rafale

I mean yeah just not rn and not to the regular tt

İt should have been added to the regular tree when they introduced F-16’s to multiple countries, that way they could have fill the gap until Gripen arrived.

But seems like they wanted to keep it until they can introduce as a premium vehicle, sadly i have to pay real money in order to get Norwegian F-16( even tho i have entire Swedish Tree).

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I think gaijin not consider add premium pack pre-order aircraft rank VIII (11.3-12.7 BR) until introduced rank IX (12.3-13.3 or 13.7 BR)

Most likely.

They will probably introduce Norwegian F-16 as a premium pack when they release Gripen E with Meteor and IRIS-T missiles.

It wasn’t offical back then yet


Considering how they introduced vehicles without notifying anyone (looking at you cancerous 2S38) it wouldnt be a problem for them.

Guess this principle only works for Russian Tech tree.