Britain Air Forces

I don’t take statements seriously when they include major/minor personally, or any replacement of the words.
It’s waste.
“Sweden is a minor tree.” yet is tied for first in best 11.7 ground lineup in the game with USA.
Has amazing lineups throughout ground, hilarious amount of vehicles, and the? best 11.3 jet.
Soon to get a rather capable new jet after said 11.3. Other tech trees may also get Gripens, which would be cool for Gripen collectors.

Its too good at this current point in time

It really isn’t, if they’re comfortable adding the Gripen. Get you lot want to pretend the Gripen is bad and the typhoon some godly aircraft, but it isn’t. They’re on par, the only significantly better aspect of the typhoon being the amount of ordnance it can carry compared to the Gripen they’re considering.

Not my words its gajins

Kfir C.7 or Tornado F.3 are stronger but the best jet at 11.3 is F-4S or MiG-23MLD

Sir, once again I never once claimed you stated any narratives. I physically cannot warp anything if I don’t even make any claim involving you or narratives.

I will say this, your posts have more insults than every other persons’ posts here.
Soviets cannon firing 3BM60 is equivalent to OFL 120 F1, or L27A1.

BTW, I play all ten tech trees, which includes Viggen C.
Norway isn’t a subtree, F-18 is Finnish which is a sub-tree.

You’re honestly coming across as trying to provoke people at this point with all this false information you post alongside insults.

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Ah, thought you were one of the folk earlier trying to push that claim a few weeks back. It is unfair that they aren’t giving Britain the typhoon. But as I have been trying to highlight in the face of extreme dishonesty, the Gripen is not an appropriate way to cope with it.

Typhoon and the rafale are both better

f/a18 is a better option but less likely

Any conformation that?

Cause last time Swedish community asked F-16 they refused that.

Finland and Sweden didn’t use F-16s.
Norway’s premium only at this time.

Norwegian F-16.

Also why should be premium?

Refer to the post you replied to.
Norway is still premium only, that fact doesn’t change just cause people want it to.

You’re kinda late.

Well you switch from 1 point to another in a single sentences so quick that it’s hard to understand where F-16 argument is relavant to UK or where major nation taking equiment from minor nations argument stops being relevant to UK.

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Nah that just a excuse.

First models can be added to the game without breaking the top tier meta especially since F-16 Block-40-50 and Mig29SMT is here.

They used the same excuse in order not to add XF-2 to Japan.

properly depends on what they add next

Still shoots the same weakspots as every other top tier tank but has more spall than american or german shells.

Gripen C isn’t comparable to EF2000. E variant is.

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Mate, if you’re gonna be dishonest, I’m gonna be impolite. I don’t owe you being nice, especially not when you’ve been misinterpreting things, then trying to make claims, then denying making claims.

Rafale is better. Typhoon is on par. You can be as upset as you want, just the way it is.

Holy shit mate, can you be any more dishonest? Sincerely asking. I am not saying a major nation is taking equipment from minor nations. Haven’t said it once. The only thing I’ve said that is vaguely even within the ballpark of that is minor nations should not be diminished to fill missing gaps in other minor nation trees, and the fact that historically this hasn’t been done. Followed by using that to support the fact the F18 should be unproblematic given that information.

Just because you want something is no reason to be dishonest. Just fess up and go “I don’t want to play Sweden so they should add it to Britain” instead of trying to obfuscate it through attempts to paint others as in the wrong.