Britain Air Forces

So Britain can get a the F-35B from the RN and the F-35A from the RCAF or the RAAF.

Britain should not get the Gripen, in any form. It should remain explicitly Swedish. You can moan about SA fielding them, it would not be at all fair on Sweden for the pinnacle of Swedish aviation industry to go to another nation because “Oh this tangentially related nation fielded them”. Britain isn’t the only nation getting shafted in the air department.

Honestly if they’re struggling to add stuff to Britain, they should just take their pick of Australian/Canadian aircraft. No real reason to stop them from being added. Or Gaijin can just stop being cowardly and add the typhoon. Australian F18 would be nice too, especially if they’re still scared of the typhoon.


Italy will get them anyway.

And add “pinnacle of US aviation industry” to UK instead?

“Oh no, my mass exported American plane is going to a nation that would benefit from it”

Do I need to highlight the stupidity of arguing American jets that are mass exported can’t be used to benefit a minor nation tree?

Sweden is a minor nation, Britain is too. It makes no sense at all to take something from Sweden and give it to Britain to patch a gap, when Sweden has nowhere to go after the Gripen except Gripen variants. There is no logic where this is a fair idea on those who have gotten through the Swedish tree, hoping the Gripen gets added.

The Australian F18, on the other hand, is completely reasonable as the F18 saw notable exports, and Australian equipment shows primarily in the British tree, with one very stupid exception that we will ignore as it is an outlier. The F18 is also not the pinnacle of US Aviation Industry, unlike the Gripen is to Sweden.

Not to mention the fact the game already has precedent for using American aircraft to bring a tree up to par in the event it lacks effective options for the state of the game. There is basically no precedent for taking something from a minor tree to patch another minor tree, with exception for the event those vehicles were fielded by the receiving nation. The Gripen does not fit neatly enough into that exception to reasonably be added, especially with how strong its ties with Sweden are. Especially not when aircraft from a major nation (America) can be added quite easily following current precedent.

“Oh no, my exported Swedish plane is going to a nation that would benefit from it”

Works both ways


“Mass exported”, sunshine. The Gripen has had minimal export success. American aircraft, including the F18, have had significantly greater exports. The F18 alone eclipses the exports of the Gripen. I get you’re a yank, but surely you can do a bit more reading than just taking a snarky response and then failing to make a valid argument against it.

Honestly, you’re probably not worth responding to given you can’t seem to fathom anything outside of “Oh no, American plane being used to help other trees bad” when the game literally has done this and set a precedent for it. When this is not the best airframe the Americans can get. When there is no precedent for the alternative you suggest.

This position of giving Britain the Gripen for such a stupid reason could lead to Britain getting the Mirage 2k. The Mirage F1. Minor nation equipment should stay with the nation that built it, or nations who explicitly fielded it. Not getting added to fill a gap, when we have major exporters that can progress past what is being considered.

Now i really want the SA gripen


Lmao I love seeing people call me american based on my name. I’m from Europe sunshine and I love the Gripen but I also know that Sweden will get the best Gripen variant anyway so I’m not losing my mind over some JAS39C.

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or add South Africa Crotale (Cactus)
my personal hope is tracked rapier

Nothing is being taken from Sweden.
F-16 isn’t taken from Israel just cause USA has one & vise-versa.


In the future, sure. But it should not be given right off the bat, especially not with the state of Swedish air. Especially not when we have easily justified equipment from allies that do not take from minor nations. Something you refuse to acknowledge, and instead argue like so many Americans will. Even if you aren’t a yank, your position is incredibly similar to many of them.

There is no justifiable reason to add the Gripen to Britain outside of “I don’t want to grind Sweden” when there is the option of multiple F18s from commonwealth nations, which won’t dilute minor nation vehicles.

So you mean to say the main reward for Sweden, the Gripen, the only aircraft Sweden can progress from once it is added, should not explicitly be Swedish when it is introduced? Not to mention, the example you used is an example of using major nation vehicles to fill out minor nations. Also the fact that Israel modified several f16s to fit their needs so reasonably they should be added. Italy got the F16 to fix the holes in the line up, instead of ignoring the fact it was a very short term lease. China got an F16 from an associated region (not saying right or wrong here).

Minor nations having their shit diluted across multiple trees because “We wanted it and didn’t want to play Sweden” is stupid, especially when the F18 could be added to avoid it. And still be inline with all precedent previously established.

American equipment should be seen as an uncontroversial solution, as it is a major exporter, and it has already shown precedent to use the existence of these aircraft to fill gaps. Especially as both Canada and Australia fielded F18s, both being commonwealth territories. Nor does it pull from a minor nation, which is far more fair on those who play that minor nation.

Arguing the Gripen should go to Britain is like arguing the Typhoon should go to America. Because they’re vaguely friends with Britain, and Britain fields the typhoon.

No, YOU are the sole person posting the text “it shouldn’t be Swedish.”
Everyone else here is literally saying it should and will be in the Swedish tech tree.

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You really need to improve your comprehension skills before accusing folk.

Ok? That is completely incorrect. You should look up my other posts I guess.

Btw your position is similar to many russian mains or single nations mains biased towards their country.

You’re acting like Sweden won’t get Finnish F/-18C.

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America doesn’t have sub nation that has ever used the typhoon and this point makes no sense

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Weird, here you are posting the text.
I was very explicit “posted”, I didn’t say claim, I didn’t say stated. I just merely stated you posted the text.
As no one claimed, as you’re making stuff up about others.

There is no reason to oppose a South African Gripen unless you hate Gripens BTW.

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Since when UK is one of the main nations