Britain Air Forces

Thanks, I’ll try it if I ever play that BR again (I only touch sub 10 if im playing with an IRL friend, I dont really enjoy the low tiers, the APDS has left some bad memories)

Change that to any other nation/vehicle type and it is still annoying.

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Yeah, though I think I want to create a comprehensive list of aircraft that are missing and could be added (for the entire TT) just to link to people who say it about Britain, but that is a lot of work

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fair. it has to me too. “Sell shatter”(On weak spots) is still the stuff of nightmares.


The memory that has stuck with me, that makes me more than any other want to never touch low tier ground, is when I put 20+ rounds into a Tiger 2, scoring nearly a dozen crits, but still did not get the kill, I was literally doing laps around the guy putting shells into every crew, every sub system. Then a Soviet tank came along, and 1 tapped me by hitting me in the tracks


At least the AV-8B+ starts out with a bunch of small bombs, I don’t get why british strike planes like the Jaguar and Harrier GR.7 end up having to research even their smallest bombs, yet the Tornado GR.1 gets to start with four 1000 lbs bombs (which are just one shy of destroying a base, but still)

Yeah, that has never made sense to me, I recently went back and spaded the Gr1 ( I originally just skipped it and went straight for the Gr1A) and my god, why the hell does it not have 500s as stock bombs.


Said effort is worth it. I went through the pointless effort to mark known C&P on one of the trees here just to show it’s less C&P than all would think.

maybe a task I’ll endeavour to try to undertake soon

7.7 Britain is the worst with that i don’t understand why apds does almost no damage

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I’ve been tring to spade the two heavy tanks at that BR and just want to go back to the cent mk 3 and Axtion X. I enjoyed those tanks

Honestly about to just bite the bullet and buy the F4J to grind tbh

I didn’t that was pain but bombing bases does work well

I went back to them and had lto use soild shot

I’ve started that list

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Domestic only yeah

For this list, yeah thats the idea, though could include export variants

Ok good to know

I can’t lie thats a great idea, I was debating asking how to make the updated TT things people do in like MS paint but background everything new with gold. But this works just as well

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I think it wouldn’t since SAAF JAS39C is mostly used for A2G which is why I think it might be added with IRIS-T, A-Darter and CAS weapons after Tornado GR.4.

Why tho? If CF–18 line continues CF-35 should be added exactly there. I don’t see how it would fit after Tornado GR.4.

I mean we already have the multirole Mirage 2000-5F after non-multirole Mirage 2000C-S5 instead of Multirole Mirage 2000D. I think they will add Typhons in the pure british interceptor line.

I see it as Mirage 2000 line analogy where pure A2A-dedicated line unlocks A2G capabilities at some point.