Yak’s both Russian and a premium so it gets the very special treatment.
I think the Hunter does turn better, and SRAAMs should better but they just aren’t
Yeah but one has flares and the other doesnt.
Does the Yak-38 have flares?
Nevermind it doesnt. i was thinking of the GR1 vs AV8C comparison
It doesn’t turn better but it has better energy retention because it isn’t a delta with a small wing like the 38, however it accelerates worse and has less engine power. I honestly thing they compare very favourably.
If SRAAM’s were all aspect then the Hunter would solidly be better but for the time being I don’t see it.
Yeah but the thing is that the R-60 is the only redeeming part of the Yak-38, the Yak-38 is arguably one of the worst jets ingame as well as objectively the worst VTOL aircraft ingame
However i do agree that the Hunter F.6 at 9.7 can be painful at times
dont forget the wyvern!
it sure is here
oh wtf they even textured it man… any pics of the thing or nah?
I’d probably say the same on the Hunter to be honest.
Certainly the worst VTOL, but honestly I think its FM is way more viable than the Hunter. One big thing for me is the brickishness, sure you have these great TVC missiles but as they’re rear aspect (though they should be all-aspect), and you’re a brick I find for me its almost impossible to get then to lock on and pull any off-boresight shots.
The Yak-38 however has good T/W, is much faster (i find the hunter only goes 1100km/h if you’ve come out of a dive, its much more often at like 900km/h), and importantly, has the AoA to be able to get the seeker over the target and launch the missile.
I don’t know, I keep trying to like the Hunters but I just can’t bring myself to do it, i truly don’t see any redeeming qualities in them even after spading every hunter in-game.
Sadly, i dont have any, and im having troubles doing so
But here are Wyvers taking off
2nd camo is hella sexy
I must admit, the only redeeming things about the Hunter is the retention. But MiG-19s being a thing at 9.3 kinda ruin that. Other than that, ehhh, there isn’t much going for em. The problem is if someone launches any high G or all aspect IR missile at you, unless you’re at the limit of their range, it is game over.
Imo if the Yak-38 can be 9.3 so can the Hunter F.6 i’d actually take the 38 over the Hunter, but i’d rather they just added something like the P.1109B instead for a Hunter F.6 airframe with more balanced missiles that aren’t going to stomp in downtiers (but only be usable in downtiers).
I’m going to sound obsessed at this point but you know I’ve never, ever even given a second thought to the Yak-38 until I’ve had to fly the Hunter. The thing just rinses you every time, the R-60’s can even lock side aspect which SRAAM’s can’t.
What’s worse. SRAAM use to be able to. Slapping Viggens in the Harrier Gr 1 with a cheeky VIFF and side aspect SRAAM was super funny. Now they just barely work in rear aspect.
Even if we don’t get all aspect SRAAM. I hope we get out side aspect SRAAM back
I seriously hope that the current state is a bug
Think so.
SRAAMs should be all aspect and have an effective range of about 2km (up from barely 1km) and I think they broke them at the end of 2022 when they updated AAM aerodynamics. They over correct often. But they also just don’t seem to lock as well as they use to