Britain Air Forces

I run all 9Ms, have Mixed CM, and set them to periodic 1 burst a second, spamming as required. It’s not a hard counter to AIM-7Ms and R-27 but we always knew that’d be the case.

Other big thing i do in the C is run min fuel and the tank. I afterburn until i get to the first contact and then, “dump tank, periodic on, push side and rear aspects”

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Same deal with GR.1, except that was even worse because it didnt have the propensity to even do anything to defend itself. On release it was impossible to flare anything, despite that being completely incorrect (F-5C meanwhile with the heat signature of a rat) so basically any missile shot was a death sentence, you had the wonky wobbling where in the turns the rudder flopped more than the Scimitar’s, so you couldnt even use the guns in anything but a headon… oh and to top it all off a BOMBER didn’t get bombs stock on release either…

And Gaijin wonders why some playerbases rip into them the moment the word “bias” is whispered…


I Prefer the full set of 9Ms , if the skyflashes were on the outer most pylons i can maybe see the reason to run one but currently losing out on a BOL Pod AND a 9M is just too much for a skyflash imo.


I run all 9Ms with no tank and flares priority.

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It is being researched at the moment i think. But it’s possible that that is actually a bug and BOL+ Skyflash might be possible.

Along with BOL for the wing tips as well


I mean honestly i see no reason for them not to put skyflash on the wingtip pylons considering theyre built for AMRAAM and the skyflash on this is already fiction


Yeah, that would be good too.

Skyflash is over 40kg heavier than AIM-120 tho and even AMRAAM can’t be carrier on wingtip pylons by the Gripen. It only carries IRIS-T on these pylons which are 110kg lighter than Skyflash, around the weight of AIM-9L.

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Japan, Israel, France, Swedish and China never get subsonic fighter armed medium-range active radar homing BVRAAM

I guess chinese would get supersonic top speed Mach 1.4, Mach 1.5 and Mach 1.6 with medium-range active radar homing BVRAAM

Nice. Pretty much Mixed is really the way to go.

Have you or anyone gave the skyflashes a try? Or no point?

No BS they are pretty decent. However, I only got a chance to use them briefly last night. I got kills each of the 4 games I carried them. I think I may have missed one or two shots tops.

It’s weird because there were some instances where I would fire the Aim9M at a supersonic target passing by either hard right/left and the M cannot maneuver in time and falls short, I would then switch to the Skyflash and catch on another pass. The missile easily zips right over to them and actually pull massive lead to do it (advantage of radar missiles).

They are really good for supersonic close-range head ons and the HMD makes obtaining that last second lock possible.

It also seems very fast. Faster than I remember them. Anyone who has used them on the Gripen extensively have thoughts on it? I will probably start taking at least one skyflash.

Ive given them a try and honestly i cannot say theyre worth the trade off of the BOL pod and the 9M, sure i got some kills with them but theyre still missing more than hitting by nature of skytrash being itself.

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yeah… well like I said, I only tried it briefly and could have just been sheer luck.

They just seemed really good at clapping people coming in a supersonic head on 3km-5km. They still act sketchy launched any further like they always used to.

I will give them a shot and keep you posted.


They are just re skined aim 7E

Oh, their dogfight sparrows? That explains it. So, HMD and newer radar might give more reliability and precision.

Iduno why I thought the Skyflashes were aim7F equivalents.

Its similar to how the 7F and 7M are

Skyflashes seeker benefits aren’t modelled in game

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oh, that sucks.

but if the Gripen has a better radar or CW illuminator (not sure if it even has one) the Skyflash should be more accurate and precise etc.?

Funny thing is that it doesn’t
it only has it in game due to a Gripen A prototype maybe having it

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Skyflashes is the same as how the 7F and 7M our
which they use different seeker type but all radar missiles a treated if they having the newer seeker types so it makes the 7F and 7M the same
This is the same with the 7E and Skyflash


Yes, but a SARH missile regardless of the seeker in completely reliant on the continuous wave radio/microwave frequency blasted from the host aircraft and directed at a target illuminating it.

Older generation fighters had limited ability to keep a target illuminated long enough or bright enough for reliable accuracy.

So when I say the Gripen has a modern radar. I would assume it has the ability to greatly illuminate a target so that a SARH missile, regardless of the variant will receive a strong signal without much issue and guide more reliably thus increasing its accuracy/success rate.