Britain Air Forces

The datamined values already take the 1.5 x multiplier into account. Apparently there is some bug with the FM at the moment meaning the wings are very hard to break, regardless of what values are in the file.

I’m doing some tests right now for the JAS39 G-load - Gonna post some results here.
I will compare SAS Damping to manual in test flight simulator difficulty.
All my G-load tests will be performed at mach 1 and I won’t be looking at wether it’s sustained or not - just the max G-load.
Limited fuel will be turned on
300 meters altitude
I will make a clean turn, not dropping in altitude
(Keep in mind, you can’t max out the 5000KG payload on the Gripen currently, even if you pick all the heaviest stuff)

MAX weight. (3524KG payload) - the biggest bombs, max fuel with fuel tank.
Damping: 7.7G
Manual: 8.3G

Full missile loadout (6x 9M’s+flarepods), max fuel and fuel tank and all the flare pods.
Damping: 8.2G
Manual: 10.1G

Full missile loadout (6x 9M’s+flarepods), max fuel.
Damping: 8.7G
Manual: 11.1G

Full missile loadout (6x 9M’s+flarepods) Min fuel (9minutes)
Damping: 9.1G
Manual: 13.3G

No loadout, min fuel
Damping: 9.1G
Manual: 14.1G


Keep in mind, these are all with limited fuel turned on (so that I didn’t use fuel getting up to mach 1)

Before I’ve done tests at like 1-3 minutes of fuel clean Gripen and maxed out at around 15.0-15.3G’s manual - same as the Netz (F16)

Question is, is it an actual bug - or is it like this guy explained:

@Gunjob Can you enlighten us?

Ignore this my tired ass read the datamine wrong

This jet is pretty awesome just finished grinding it in the harrier.


I’m half way
Finally we have something that can go toe for toe against the F16

It definitely a lot more fun flying than the su27 and F15J. not saying better but definitely more fun.

The stock grind is very smooth


Textures on drop tank not modelled correct. Or just me?

not just you others have said the same

agreed. I’m only just on Skyflash but the ability to actually get a Gun on someone is very nice. HMD is pretty sweet too.


We could’ve gotten every jet in this patch if we wanted to. Saudi F-15, and Eritrean Su-27. I find that humourous.

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Why would WE have a eritrean jet lmao, the saudi i can kinda understand but even then we dont need it.

I’m thrilled we got the Gripen though.
Funny seeing all the US/Russia mains with their claws out trying to get it nerfed. It is impossible for them to comprehend European nations making something as capable as themselves.

I’m not expecting anything else until Typhoon now, so I’m going to build up some hours on it :)

anything good you mean
still have the sea harrier fa2 and later tornados to go


Yeah sorry, anything new. I don’t consider Harrier and Tornados reskinned with AMRAAMs to be anything to write home about.

The Tornados would be amazing if they ever get round to even half finishing them (not too mention Brimstones on the Gr4 are going to be the defintition of hilarity) and Im still quite excited to get the FA2. Good chance i’ll play that more than the Gripen when we get it. Unless its butchered beyond all recognition.

Though fingers crossed we wont be waiting too long for the Typhoon

Hawk could be quite good fun.

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it will be good depending on how the do the newer fox 3 when they add them

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Yeah, that’ll be the major make or break. But at least we have some protection in that most nations use them. They cant do what they’ve done with Red Tops, SRAAMs and Skyflash and get away with it

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