Britain Air Forces

It’s a Dev decision and they’ve decided to not make a changed based on the information presented in the report. Sorry chap there isn’t anything we can do at this point.

Not for definite, I’ll have a look at the EF FBW stuff but i havent been able to find anything about a soft and hard limit on the EF to my knowledge there only exists the figure of +9/-3.

İm talking about airframe limit.

So am I, to my knowledge there’s no airframe limit figure outside of the +9/-3g figure. But i could be wrong.

My mistake then.

İf thats the case it should able to pull same amount of G’s like Gripen does.

I still don’t understand the reply. Mouse aim enabling loads up to and exceeding the airframe structural limits is understandable since that’s how every (?) other aircraft in WT works. But the whole point is that 12g IRL is clearly tolerable by the airframe, since the pilot can command it.

From the datamine,


we can see that the wing rips at 6g * 1.5 for a heavy and 9g * 1.5 for a light aircraft.

12g * 1.5 should not cause the wings to rip in WT, because 12g does not cause the wings to fall off IRL, which we know because we have a peer-reviewed scientific publication by a Saab engineer saying that the pilot can command 12g.

I only fly in sim personally, so not super familiar with the whole “mouse aim” stuff.

But seems like devs have made their decision - and the Gripen is performing really well right now so I’m not gonna complain further

and afaik, the real consequence of this 12g bug report would’ve been a higher G load until rip which mostly is only obtainable by doing wacky cobras and stuff anyways right now

now JAS39 rip strength is according pilot safety limit
ok balance

The problem is that the wings not ripping is probably a bug, which will probably get fixed, at which point Gripen gets seriously nerfed.

rip strength should be increased and limit 11G like F-16 right now

What are the rip speeds of other aircraft though? are they all at the 1.5x 9G’s or is some at higher G-loads?

Well if they won’t change it the simple solution is that due to its FBW its literally impossible for pilot input to cause structural damage to the airframe aside from hitting something.

To me it looks like a badly worded bug report. At no point does it say that the Gripen should be changed to withstand 12g x 1.5 (18g). The dev probably misinterpreted the report and thought that it was asking for the Gripen’s pull to be limited to 12 g.


Yeah that would be worrying, but also currently I can pull 15+G’s in the F16 in manual mode without ripping, and I also believe that one has the 9G limiter IRL?

F-16’s 9G is pilot safety limit.
that will cancel in fight, you can pull more than 12G irl

So same logic as Gripen…?

Perhaps. I think mine was quite clear, but that was not the one forwarded. The one that got forwarded was this one Jas39 G-limiter and Hard limit. // // Issues which doesn’t mention structural load.

Should we make yet another report being ultra clear? Can @Gunjob perhaps comment on the likelihood that the devs missed that we are talking about max structural load, not FCS or anything else?

Common Gunjob W

same as every aircraft

@Gunjob Can you kind of clarify here? Is the Gripens current rip strength accurate? and should it be the same as something like the F16?

“mouse aim doesn’t use limits for internal SCAS or FBW. It allow using max strength of aircraft.
hard g-limits were included to the SAS damper mode.”

So mouse aim/manual is not limited to the rip strength of 9g-13.54g?

Currently both F16 and Gripen can pull 15G’s in the game on manual mode when light - both the Gripen and F16 are rated to 9G’s, and both can pull 12G’s if needed - likely for the same reasons.

Are they both going to continue pulling 15G’s on manual or can we expect a Gripen nerf?
meaning these 9g-13.54g limits are only for damping or some other control mode?