Britain Air Forces

Always a chance its not finished, they haven’t shown Gripen yet, but if they show a swedish one, its probably safe to say we arent getting it.

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I don’t see what it would offer in game thats better than the Gr.7 if AMRAAMs arent coming.

it’s the A variant :(

welp, uk not got a new jet

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no new aircraft

Gripen A confirmed. Nothing from SAAF then

He just confirmed SA Gripen C for the UK.


Oh interesting… I dont understand russian. So…

But strange Britain is getting C and Sweden isnt. Get ready for the complaining from that

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with Skyflash and 9Ms

I would expect Skyflash DF and not SuperTEMP which is specifically a Tornado only missile.


As the Gripen C lacks any kind of ability to guide SARH (its a blue Vixen based radar). Im expecting 9Ms only

Same radar in both, so if the A has them the C likely will. Probably a balance choice.

im happy we are getting a fighter its been so long, whats going to suck is its going to be skyflash DF’s a downgrade from the tornado.

Meh I’ll take 6x9M so I can have 4xBOL for the 640 CM’s.


gonna be like the harrier with 2 extra missiles and SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED

Lets just you and flame can find info on the Gripen to fix all its bugs. Otherwise this is going to be a rough few years. Not gunna be anything in the national archives

And a radar, HMD etc.


Now that is interesting. So far, they’ve systematically skipped every British jet that had it

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Did they actually specify its a fake Aim-9m? or L/i

So you mean Harrier GR.9, Tornado GR.4, Jaguar GR.3 (only tested) and Typhoon? because last I checked we’ve not skipped any of those haha.

Jaguar GR3A is the one Im thinking of and Gr9 was denied because its basically identical to Gr7. So they could have added Gr9 instead at this point