Britain Air Forces

The idea of dogfighting in a Red Arrow Livery HAWK, with smoke trailing behind me, is just funny. Especially as a Brit who has grown up watching the Red Arrows


She’s not bad other than invincible none of the British Battleships are, but in 0.3 of an uptier there’s significantly better armour, firepower, maneuverability and AA.

She’s also outclassed by the Marlborough at the same br and IMO she could be 6.3 based on the Kaiser and Konig class being there.

As I said, she should’ve been a QE or R class.

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Also thought you might find this interesting
The Gnat is tiny and outperforms both of the aircraft next to it in flight performance.

Its entire wingspan is somewhat comparable to one of the sabres wings.


And that’s why we’ve probably not gotten it. Small size + Great performance = Way too OP for US and USSR pilots to fight


If i’m honest even I wouldn’t want to go near the thing, performs great and is a miniature target, but they could easily limit it as it had rather low G-limits roughly 11g rips at speeds above 1000.

But if they wouldn’t add it for balancing reasons then CL sabres would be pretty nice to have as we bought and used some.

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Thought we’d have another week. Had best crack on with that SL farm. I want another 1-1.5 mil ready


Gripen got hit with nerf bat apparently


It got nerfed worse turn and g rip someone is saying

“someone is saying”

it did indeed change from 3rd dev update ( to live

lmao they didnt even fix the gun ammo…

i wanna see them try to explain how 512 rounds of dm103 or whatever fit into that aircraft but tornado can only carry 180

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Ouchh, its fine, Gripen bug reports will definitely get made if its ripping badly etcetera.

Either way, it’ll be better than the FG Phantoms.



Oh look another Nato vehicle nerfed, how shocking.


Well, there is the Britain tax

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Eugen is a giant tinder box. I love seeing them as they are free kills

its what you get when you combine the sweden and brit tax

G load rip for the wings was corrected via source material. It was not correct as of the Dev server. 9G is the listed structural limit, so with the 1.5 x modifier it becomes around 12/13G ~ clean.