Britain Air Forces

From what I know listening to real fighter pilots, the Gripen should be similar to the F16 in performance, but it can regain energy better than the F16.

I also think people are overblowing how “cracked” it is in latest dev server. Sure it’s going to look great when you compare it to decades older airframes that are huge missile trucks (f15, su27).

Yeah… I’d love to see the Hawk and Type 545 added to fix that, but thats a wishlist and not a complaint, I am more than grateful for the Gripen. Plus we actually helped make it, so maybe there’s a little bit of Brit pride in there.

Im grinding the SLs now in the Belfast and then i’ll do the RP grind in the Tornado Gr1 in SB I think (maybe FGR2 for the 10% RP buff if I can be bothered)

Definitely, this was the best case, even the CF-188 whilst it would’ve been nice, would not have had the dogfight performance which at least for me, is infinitely more satisfying than missile spamming with SARH’s.

That too which would be incredibly nice, also the UK and Italy may well have the best 4th gens in the game as our Typhoons are evenly matched in Tranche 3A and Tranche 4. Whereas Germany seems to have settled for the time being on the worse radar.

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I refuse to buy a British cruiser too haha. I have HMS Colossus though and shes amazing, but I’ll probably default to Prinz Eugen or see if there’s something in another tree i’d like to grind to pick up. (Maybe China for future-proofing).

It beat F-16s in several exercises and people like to go ‘muh skill issue for the pilots’ forgetting that the Gripens used had been flown for a maximum of 3 years experience for the pilots IIRC. Either way, delta-canards for the win.

Belfast is actually quite good (better armour than any heavy) but yeah, thats fair. I want to farm out enough SLs to also immediately buy Expert, so I’ve got a lot of grinding to go

Fairly certain Euro Deltas beat US planes every single exercise except against F22s in BVR. Though even then, they have to work for it

Yeah the Belfast is the best of the 6-inchers, which are all better than the 8-inchers. it’s kinda funny as she’s a premium. I just prayed and aimed for ammo racks and lo and behold colossus is my saviour as Glorious was near enough useless as the 15’s do not tear ships in half as they would IRL.

I’ll get Orion next too although as i’ve said many a time, she should’ve been Warspite or Revenge.

Im not gunna bother with any of the super-dreadnaughts even the refits. Just gunna stick with the Hood or cruisers till something like KGV or Vanguard

Yeah its near impossible to beat the F-22/35 in BVR although it has been done and now we have F-35 squadrons a lot of work is being done now to determine if PIRATE and the ECRS MK.2 can reasonably be used to overcome stealth with a numerical advantage. Particularly as PIRATE was specifically designed to combat stealth.

But Euro-deltas tend to be better at just about everything compared to other fighters with the exception of things like combat load and range.

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Well, Im glad you guys are getting something that you are happy with. Its back to hoping for the Gnat, Hawk (especially the 200) and Atlas Cheetah for me


Are we getting the HMS Orion Orion-class Dreadnaught or the HMS Orion Leander-class light cruiser?

I assume Dreadnaught?

I’m not sure yet, I only have colossus but our current issue is that as they’ve taken so long to add our WW1 Super-dreadnoughts they’re all irrelevant as the Bayerns were a little better let alone Scharn and Hood and Kron.

But there’s likely to be a big jump for us as in my opinion British ships were a lot better balanced in terms of a firepower to armour ratio, for instance the Nelson class had 14 inch armour and 16-inch guns, comparatively to the US and Japanese alternatives they had the same calibre but 12 inches of armour for the Nagato and 12-13.5 inches of armour for the US Standards.

The Dreadnought, consider her a worse Iron-duke class (Marlborough) at the same br, because IRL that’s exactly what she was.

I’d really love the Gnat, Hawk and Type 545, I wouldn’t mind the Cheetah as something to act as an alternative to the phantoms and IMO, a SAAF sub-tree for air would be super nice. But equally I will not complain as what we have received is kind of a god-send.

Ah, never used any of them. Never saw the point when i’ve got the Hood. So yeah, will leave this one for now then

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The idea of dogfighting in a Red Arrow Livery HAWK, with smoke trailing behind me, is just funny. Especially as a Brit who has grown up watching the Red Arrows


She’s not bad other than invincible none of the British Battleships are, but in 0.3 of an uptier there’s significantly better armour, firepower, maneuverability and AA.

She’s also outclassed by the Marlborough at the same br and IMO she could be 6.3 based on the Kaiser and Konig class being there.

As I said, she should’ve been a QE or R class.

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Also thought you might find this interesting
The Gnat is tiny and outperforms both of the aircraft next to it in flight performance.

Its entire wingspan is somewhat comparable to one of the sabres wings.