Still very good but yes as someone put “It now feels like a plane”
Does anyone have any tips on how to use the damn FGR stock? 54 games in and all I have to show for it is two extra fucking AIM-9D’s?
Figured this would be the best place to ask.
Honest to god just dont play it.
Other than that hit bases Rockets are the meta now its around 100 rockets per base (ie snebs or FFAR Mighty mouse)
I would say it’s doesn’t look like a drastic change I’d say it’s more stable looking though. Is it still missing combat flaps though
I want the Gripen and later the Eurofighter. But yes this plane does not impress me.
It is more painful than when I grinded out the Chieftain Mk.3 when the PUMA was still 8.3 and had no spalling.
who would’ve thought
Gripen does not have manual flaps, it has autoflaps that form part of the wing IIRC, elevons maybe?
Can’t remember if it was combat flaps but someone in another thread pointed out something is missing
To tell them what?
İ dont know what you’re talking about :)))
I think it’s missing slats based on Gunjobs video. Slats are leading edge flaps so combat flaps is a fair description.
How does it compare to like F16’s and F15’s now? Will it get slammed by F16a’s? The guy in video just kept doing same spinning cobra all the time lol can’t tell
he is that guy
Because thats what has happened and normally happens to us.
IMO it won’t get slammed but it’ll lose unless you know delta’s well
because thats kinda all it did before lmao
I mean if you don’t know what your doing yeah but it should still out fight most things that aren’t a F-16A and mirage 4000
Oh yeah for sure, like you won’t be losing to a lot and the things you do out-dogfight you can mostly beat in terms of armament, and for the Gripen, pilot skill will probably matter a lot more than the opponent in these fights.
So not that many uk mains since we don’t have any deltas. (Javelin doesn’t count, nobody plays that)
After playing the Hunter, Jaguar and basically everything past rank 5 I can confidently say we will manage to adapt. There isn’t a single good fighter after the Swift F.7 IMO.
Little bit of cope mixed in here but i’m sure you get my point.