Britain Air Forces

except for the fact that A-Darter is Gen 5 IR right? No where near ready for them in game

Yeah the pilots suggest it is better than IRIS-T in some regards and they claim it has a 100g pull with TVC for the first 8 seconds whilst burning with a gradual decline to 50g after the motor has burned out.

not that I know of

They could add the Tornado F.2 with the Blue Circle radar at 9.7


Tornado with concrete radar and 2 AIM-9L at 8.3


The only engine changes i found don’t improve performance
Rwr get upgraded along with a HMD
Not sure or radar but considering the A maybe use SARHs but not the C the it probably did
The hard points the A in the dev already has

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I was thinking moreso Golfs but the Limas would work somewhat

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Radar was upgraded between A and C but the A could never use SARH, outside of one of the prototypes which is just a rumour to my knowledge and was never proven to have used SARH.

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Yeah the only source for RB71 on Gripen A is advertisment material before entering service

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Batch 3 Gripen As are AMRAAM capable.

39-207 was the first Gripen C in Swedish service. Anything with a serial lower than 207 is an A and doesn’t have an IFRP or the later APU.
Pictures above show 39-200, one of the last Gripen As


Dev updated but still no sign of SAAF Gripen

Probably going to be on the second dev server. Though I wouldn’t put it past them to try and get out of adding anything to Britain

Gripen A has had a FM pass, I’m sorry to say but the fun sub 400kph stalls are kill ahaha. It still has silly good AOA and instant turn, but you can’t cheese a stall out of it with pitch and roll at sub 400kph speeds.


Wasn’t that partially to do with the canard brake engaging whilst still in the air? Because irl the canard was also used as a air brake

Could have been I’d end up in a stall before that happened normally although it would always happen.

If that’s what the fix is maybe it’s fixed the instructor pulling your nose back down in high AOA turns

Here’s your SAAF Gripen we found from some document its actually made of lead


“We found no evidence that it could actually fly, therefore, its being added to the ground tree as the IFV Britain asked for”


I want to see how the reworked FM handles

Bear with me.

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