Britain Air Forces

yeah just a reminder that the last time a competitive jet was added was on the 7th of September… 2021

Your respond is even worse then actual problem.

But as usual Gaijin move you guys are just gonna ignore the reality.


south africa did use the gripen C… and south africa is a british subtree

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Yeah, it’s being added to Great Britain, that never used it. Through a sub-tree that’s what I meant.

Fox-3 was never confirmed to come this soon, we are still some time away from it.

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South Africa is a sub tree nation of the British tree. Its vehicles are deployed there.


Oh well…


And stayed competitive for 2 months until MLD got added

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Hence the word, “Hoping”

I already explained above your message

I guess US is profitable enough to get that special treatment, unlike Sweden

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Well this is far from the truth, read up on the specs and excercises. The Eurofighter is more modern than the A model but not by much, from the excercises they have had in the past i would bet my money on the Gripen A.

Extremely disappointed to get the Gripen C instead of the Hawk 200 or even the Atlas Cheetah

Why on earth would you want the Cheetah over the Gripen? Cheetah would just be worse by every single metric. Hawk 200 would be fun to have but not competitive whatsoever


I’d welcome the hawk but it’s not top tier material

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I don’t care that it wouldn’t be meta. I would have been just as disappointed if they added a Hornet instead.

I’d take something that’s unique to south africa or britain over a imported vehicle any day, doesn’t matter if it would be worse. If I wanted to play one of the imported vehicles I could just play them in the exporters nation instead after all.

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Yeah, those would be neat but by No shot would they be good. We’ve already been snubbed the only domestic thing for this time period. under the thinly veiled reasoning of “Tech demonstrator” which translates better to “double standard” in gaijin speak.

I am disappointed that this is the route taken by the devs. but it is what it is. and honestly it looks like it will at the very least be a pretty solid platform. So I suppose there’s that!


Something like the Cheetah would probably be 11.3 and so like the current 11.3s, would probably only ever see 12s and 12.3s. As unique as they might be, they would be unplayable.

Hawk would be interesting and playable as it wouldnt see top tier.

Im fine with Gripen. Shame they couldnt give Britain anything unique (there were options from the UK) but as a practice delta wing for Typhoon, its fine

FOX-3 is already in the game…

One positive of how cracked the Gripen and M4K are in-game is some hope for the Eurofighter to get its true flight performance. More thrust than either, almost equal immediate AoA to the Gripen and better sustained, should be an exceptional hybrid between the two, but on a massive Trenbolone cycle.

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Those flight models are placeholders and will absolutely be toned down by the time of release.