Britain Air Forces

Realistically the most likely commonwealth vehicles would come from the countries with the closest ties to the UK. The ones that come to mind for me is CA, AU, NZ, and ZA.
From that we can assume

CF-188 for the legacy Hornet
Kiwi F-16A
ZA Gripen.

I’m not going to talk about any Mirages we don’t need them.


I never knew the Kiwis used F-16s

They did just like the Japanese used the F-16AJ.

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I don’t think Pacifica knows about future additions. I might be wrong tho

As far as I’d love it to be the C variant, I don’t think it really is the one in the teaser. Wheel type is one argument but having no refueling probe (which every C variant had) and only RB74 missiles strongly suggest it’s the JAS39A.

At this point I think we’ll get 2 Gripens. JAS39A with only RB74/AIM-9L at 12.0 and JAS39C with AIM-9M + RB99/AIM-120B at 12.7.

The C would obviously go to Sweden and UK while A would be Sweden exclusive.


Britain is definitely getting something for the ground.


Erm… a bit of a stretch to say the UK had an ‘agreement’ to focus on A2G without thought for A2A. It’s a bit of an urban myth that seems to occasionally pop it’s head up - not even sure where it came from but it deserves to be whacked on the head when it does arise.

Phantoms were expressly bought in for A2A until the Tornado could be brought into an A2A form.

EFA Typhoon was drawn up in the late 80s with a focus on A2A. Why invest so much money in a program when you only ‘agree’ to ground-pound? Answer - you don’t. Unless you are expressly thinking of thumping the VVS in a shooting war.

Tornado F3 with the additional capabilities was A2A. Investment into systems such as ASRAAM, Meteor and aerial trailed decoys, AESA, countermeasure packages - all A2A capabilities. All distinct from US capabilities.

E-3 Sentry - why invest so much of a VERY limited defence budget into an AWACS fleet if you don’t need fighter direction and control? You don’t - unless you intend to be using your forces air-to-air for sustained periods of time. Same too for the tanker fleet, the training outfits for fast jet / fighter training. All expenses that make zero sense if you are going to let someone else deal with the A2A side of things.

All stuff that has it’s beginnings in the late 80s/early 90s. Well within our game timeframe.

I think the myth comes from circumstance. It just so happens that the RAF was bloody good at the low-level-strike - so if you wanted someone to fly at 50ft and mallet someone you’d probably be better off handing that tasking to an RAF Tonka crew.

Right, that’s the sensible bit over with…

  • Low Quality Posting shall now continue -

yeah they arnt adding a super hornet but still possible for a RAAF F/A 18 A/B at some point.

also yes we need mirages. a Rolls Royce Avon Mirage III please (obviously not top tier)

I guess SAAF JAS39 Gripen C equipped guided Air-to-Ground munitions and targeting pod like Gripen C from Swedish

@Gunjob has hinted it’s worth it, whatever it will be. It’s apparently also in the trailer, if you can spot it. I think however that it’s the Australian Mirage that was destroyed by the SU-27.


Gunjob doesn’t have inside knowledge of development

maybe the camo looks similar, could still be French im not familiar with their camo schemes



I’m really hoping for something, because if we really are getting nothing, and so far there has been little to no evidence to point to us getting a particular vehicle (EAP was denied, Typhoon was denied, Hornet is extremely unlikely, it’d likely turn up in the Trailer is my guess, as an american jet, and nothing positively evidencing us getting any commonwealth jet) i’m preparing to cry myself to sleep on patch day. wraps up a pretty horrid year for British Air. on the bright side, Chally 3 proto

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Apart from anything else the Typhoon F.2 (first operational iteration) was literally unable to use air to ground ordnance. it was A/A only

I wasn’t so direct, I’m just putting 2 and 2 together. Based off what we’ve been shown.

That’s just a regular Mirage.


Where have you heard this from?

That’s just the normal baguette Mirage.

We’ll find out in an hour when the devstream happens i guess

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That looks like your regular Mirage III E

It came to me in a dream

