Britain Air Forces


It appears you are correct. @SuTa_basuto

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Good eye boys. Bravo!

give the credit to @SuppliceVI

I go to sleep and wake up to Gripen and ir only right
Hope its the 9M

I’m not saying a SAAF Gripen is impossible but that is a massive reach to take that away from the trailer; in context the voiceover is talking about breaking barriers - cut to an F-104 accelerating then cut to the guy pointing in the sky to a contrail

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but that bomb is not GBU-16, is MK13 the British one

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Great work @SuppliceVI !!

Then what else is the UK getting their is nothing else

I’m waiting for dev stream/server, though I’m not expecting anything

The uk didnt produce many aircraft of its own design. Even right now the UK has two jets, the eurofighter and the F-35. So when they they add the eurofighter thats the end of the line for the UK air tree until they add the f-35. There are some older planes that could still be added but the end is near for newer aircraft.

I only know that it’s not a British made aircraft, it’s a commonwealth one.


Later tornados and harriers

I doubt CF18 as a F/A-18 would be in the trailer

and a commonwealth britain already has in the tech tree
Australia Canada India

India will make people riot
Another T90 situation i don’t think is happening

But do people really want more harriers and tornados? i mean i guess to have updated weapons but then people would complain about cookie cutter stuff.

We aren’t getting them now the cas ones denied and the others have AMRAAMS

Yes and no… For much of the time period we are in, Britain had an agreement with the US to focus on ground attack, whilst the US handle A2A.

I could accept Britain not having the best A2A (no excuse for at least something semi-usable though) but we should have A2G at minimum on par with what the US has, but we just dont. even though we have

Sea Harrier FA2 is probably the best Britain has for A2A at the moment, but that is reliant on Aim-120Bs and the Tornado F3 would be perfectly Competitive, but again is reliant on Aim-120C5s and ideally ASRAAM.

All of which, we dont stand any chance of getting within the next year or 2 at this rate.

But Tornado Gr4 and Harrier Gr9A would both by marked improvements over our current CAS aircraft, with Gen 3 T-pods and more advanced A2G (like Brimstone) among other improvements. Would certainly give us comprable 12.3 CAS.

(thats on top of a number of airframes never added ,like late Jaguars)

As for A2A. The best option by far is a pre-production/prototype Typhoon. The main thing that was required before that could be considered was the F-15 and Su-27… Which we now have. 0 excuse remains for Britain not getting that in literally any update going forward

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From an Air Sim Main, Sea Harrier FA2 would be fun, at least short-term. But its very much dependent on what its pitted against, slim chance it would be the only Fox 3 carrier at its BR and even slimmer chance it would remain that way very long