How did you establish that, externally they are virtually identical unless the refueling probe is extended. In that case there’s an argument for it to have Skyflash.
I might not be familiar enough with the minor things to distinguish them.
How did you establish that, externally they are virtually identical unless the refueling probe is extended. In that case there’s an argument for it to have Skyflash.
I might not be familiar enough with the minor things to distinguish them.
The last update where they added the F-16, MiG-29, and Tonka should’ve been the Eagle, Fulcrum, and EAP
Saudi Eagle may be a surprising option and more viable than Singaporean F-15’s. ZA Gripen is naturally top of the list, Indian mig would be stupendously late, like if we were gonna get it, we should’ve gotten it when the Germans got theirs or when they got the 29G and SMT.
This is also just the first teaser, more modern missiles, maybe even fox 3’s might get saved for future dev-blogs before the update drops, like during dev servers and such
I think the EAP stacks better with the F-16. Either way, its off the table again for now, I doubt heritage will give me what I want but I’ve put in an ask to someone who I think can help.
No British aircraft in Decembers major update, another unfortunate decade for us British struggle warriors (not in trailer)
APU and the associated warning symbols are different on the C.
The position of the warning symbol in the trailer corresponds with Gripen A’s APU
They have L body. M body is slightly different with dark-grey ring behind missile’s guidance section.
I suspect the L/i’s then, 9L’s there’s just no way, even if it gets skyflash’s which weren’t shown it would be mig-23 level.
Huh, you know I’ve scoured the internet trying to find visible identifiers and this is the first time I’ve seen anything but ‘refuelling probe and armament’. Cheers.
Maybe there’s hope it can get Skyflash then.
No fake
Huh, if it’s the A version we’re not getting an SA Gripen then, since they used the C, and Gaijin won’t give Sweden the A and Britain the C I suppose.
Well there wasn’t a shot showing it in the teaser.
Can see it here
The APU itself doesn’t seem to be modelled at all whether A type or the C type. But the hot air outlet warning label is in line with the flap joint; which suggests it’s Gripen A.
It’d be further towards the trailing edge on the C.
Ed: Sorry, or did you mean the Gripen C wasn’t shown? Not just the APU to distinguish them?
That is my fear. In which case. We may not be getting anything this update. at least nothing on teaser and nothing on leak lists yet
Though where modeling is cocnerned. Just look at that PT boat we got last major?
Gaijin does not have a recent track record for getting modeling right. Might be a Gripen C with a Gripen A “skin”
I was just going to correct myself haha
Well things are quite uncertain still then, maybe the (C)F-18 is still on the table
I meant the APU
The trailer gives me hope we are getting the gripen instead of the sea harrier or tornado
I’m sorry
Could be a modeling error. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
But if no Fox 3, then no Sea harrier or Tornado
If it is Gripen A, then no gripen.
With US getting F-15, I doubt Britain would get F-18
So I think, Britain getting nothing this update is entirely possible now