Britain Air Forces

From what I can tell it could just be added with an F-15C radar without the ARH and some basic A/G weapons for now.

Go read the post i was answering to, please.

I don’t want to explain why the word sarcasm is for btw.

List of likelihood of new uk aircraft
1 SAAF Gripen
2 Canadian CF18/ Aussie F/A18
3 Sea Harrier FA2
4 Tornado F3 with AMRAAMS
5 Indian Flanker or Fulcrum
6 Indian Mirage


Unless they throw a giant curve ball and we get something like a Fairey swordfish with ASRAAM

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Didn’t Smin deny ASRAAM for now

Oh, I posted tree 4th gen fighter aircraft from Indian this thread

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I just want the UK to get an actual good fighter


We all pray for this


ya know i would actually play that for kicks and giggles factor

for my two cents, gonna go with Buccaneer S.2 with Foxhunter Radar


I mean lets be fair for the 1-12 hours in which that would exist it would be hilarious


The thing is it’d be so slow radars would struggle to pick it up in PD mode and it has such a low heat sig virtually nothing would get it on the IR missile front. it is, the perfect weapon.

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The thing is the Tornado does everything the F-14 does worse (well. until we start going down the rabbit hole that is AMRAAM anyway). What we really need is something Typhoon-esque, which has manouevrability and good missiles. We currently only have one of those (debatably)

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Thinking about it if we weren’t assuming that the SA Grpien was getting an Alt-history load out it wouldn’t even been in the running.

Because of what I could find if it had its historically accurate load it would make it another CAS plane.

I have pointed out that Gaijin has called their stuff historically accurate. (The more bug reports than a Bethesda game on the Challengers say otherwise)
Its also why I think they are so liberal with C&P because it is “historically accurate” that X nation used X vehicle. …What was my point again…


If historical it would have the best targeting pod and the best ir missiles in game so it wont be just another cas plane

Ah. that’s right. I think I mixed it with something else. But I have no clue wait. guess I’ve been looking at too many planes.

In how SA uses it, yes. But the aircraft is more appropriately defined as a multirole, not a dedicated CAS like the Tornado Gr4 would be

i dont want a seperate tornado with amraams, shouldnt the current one be able to use them already?

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It can use AIM-120 but what’s the point of losing one of the best 11.3 jets in the game for BR increase and ARH?

because grinding through a stock tornado at 12.0 is any better?

remember, you’ll exclusively use 9Ls and go through the skyflash pain until you get amraams at an even higher br where you would prolly be forced to fight f15 and su27 and gripens, among other things

You don’t know what mods would it get tho and if it gets foldered you wouldn’t have to research it to progress.

Having 2. 1 at 11.3 and another at 12.3/12.7 just adds greater flexability to the TT. I’d hope though that the AMRAAM one was maybe foldered, or at least not too expensive, but id imagine it would have Skyflash STs as stock as you would have other things to unlock instead (AMRAAM and Aim-9M)

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