Britain Air Forces

Fair enough.

The radar is decent, but I don’t really understand why they made it PD HDN. Considering the different PD frequency/repetition modes the stage 2G had, I would have expected it to be able to track targets all-aspect. @Gunjob Is this a GJN decision for how they categorise radars?


Agreed HDN is nice but id like to be able to have regular PD again as an option

HDN denotes HPRF in game. The Fox Hunter didn’t have any MPRF modes. Everything was PD via FMICW or Pulse. It didn’t feature any PRF interleaving.


One take away is it really is the best HPRF radar in the game.

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Having done a lot of research into cancelled British projects in an attempt to find something potentially viable, its really tragic to see just how many exceptional, viable and funded British projects have been cancelled since the 1950’s. And also how many technologies were invented and then sold off.


Man the Super Swift, so close but so far…


Well, good thing there also is a ton of production aircraft and variants of them left to be added that gaijin just cant be arsed to model
Though I have to agree, there is some real cool stuff in the cancelled project category

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Superswift, Gnat MK.5, Hawker Studies (HS.1202 British F-16 and HS.1207 British F-18), Supersonic harrier, big wing jaguar which added 4 hardpoints and spey engines, the list is very long but those are some of my favourites.


Hey man the P.1154 (Big Harrier) had its airframe and engines made so its plausible


Thats true, its just a shame its avionics and predicted weapons were never written down, could’ve been a more viable alternative to the SHar but atm from what i’ve seen its more on GR.1 but supersonic level.

Can probably make some educated guesses based upon the the FRS1

I would very much like that but as it was cancelled in '64 its limited to red tops and 1000lb bombs, no flares, on a legacy harrier airframe but heavier…

I dunno, could be cool to see but very hard to fly and do well.

Thats true, then yeah, I guess Red Tops of Maybe SRAAM then.

Edit: Thinking about it, probably radar/other kit from the Lightning or Sea Vixen

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Ngl I love the Tornado so much I cant bring mysef to hate it but man its P A I N F U L

It’s hard to adapt to boom & zoom when you haven’t needed to do that for most of the British tech tree.

Im so used to that though which is what annoys me about it the fact you play it perfectly but still it cant compete

That is the great Tragedy.

There is nothing “Wrong” with the F3. (It’s radar is good, its weapons are above average for 11.3, it cant turn for anything, but has decent speed, though again, only at 11.3)

It was just added too late. If it had come anytime between the Mig-23MLD and F-14A. It would have been a great addition. Its only flaw is that it was added 3 months (6 months if you include the time it took to get a usable radar) after the 12s and its gunna be at least 9 months (after its addition) till we get something that is 12+ (we hope)

It is in fighting those 12s and now 12.3s where it struggles. Its weapons are not better than average, they are at best average if not worse. Its not the faster than everything and its radar is only slightly better

In ARB you can face 10.3s-12.3s so some games can be good. In SB it sits at an artificailly high BR. If you are facing 12s though, you are pretty much outclassed. As our “top tier” fighter. It cant compete with most other nations “top tier”

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I mean… welcome to F-14A as well.
F-14B is a struggle too, it can dogfight but it’s slower & only as fast as an F-4J.
The swing wings aren’t as great as people expected, then again… the design is inherently flawed.

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Well… If you previously had “top tier” Britain unlocked. Then actually you spent the better part of the last 2 to 3 years in a boom and zoom BVR jet (the Phantoms) Its only really in the past year or so that our tree has been padded with jets that arent entirely dependent on that at higher tiers (like the Gr7, FRS1, etc) Even the lightning is Boom and Zoom. Yeah we have some great turn fighters in the 8s and 9s, but theyve been underperforming of late for a few reasons

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Eh, I dogfight with FG1 from time to time, less so these days cause Sea Vixen made me research the entire tech tree accidentally & I’d like to get all the tech trees completed before I consistently play jets purely for pleasure.

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