Bring back to Kurnass 2000 Sparrows

I would suggest to bring back for Kurnass 2000 radar missiles back, because right now there are many opponents at his br’s, that have AIM-120A or Matra Magic 530, which makes this plane unfair. I remember these days when Kurnass 2k had them, and that plane was balanced, but tbh that plane without radar missiles right now is meh. Due to watching official israeli website of his phantoms i found out that they borrowed Sparrows, which ones - not mentioned.
Kurnas 2000 - the link to it.
Currently Kurnass 2000 got terrified because of Mig-29’s on his BR’s, which doesn’t let that plane be alive without normal rockets.


It could carry them, but not guide them, hence why it got taken away.

Why it can’t guide them? Doesn’t Kurnass 2k have lock mode that leads it?

Like, I’m just appeared on war thunder wiki and found that there’s almost equal radars, but one letter just changed: J to I

iirc its radar lacked continuous wave filter what is needed to guide SARH missiles


Thanks for answering me my question

Partially true, as while the Kurnass lacks CW illumination, late model Sparrows could also be guided by PD signals. However, I have no idea whether the Israelis ever programmed their radars to equip Sparrows or not.


Correct, on top of the fact that Kurnass 2000 is 12.3 and not higher because of its current loadout.

What loadout ? Non IRCCM Python 3’s on 12.3 ? Great loadout.


Exactly, 6x Python 3s is a meta loadout for 12.3 and even 12.7.
Especially on a fast platform with 290 countermeasures.
All you have to do is not dogfight.

Ah right, why didn’t i think of that.


I mean by that logic the Yak-141 could carry missiles but couldn’t fire them. Seems like doubt standards honestly ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Prove that Kurnass 2000 isn’t a production aircraft.
Bringing up Yak-141 is always admitting the other party is correct.


i love dogfighting in the thing, they never expect the F-4 to actually have half decent turning performance

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What stupid point

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It makes sense when they do things like this. Not always. But in this context, if they’re gonna remove something they should be doing it with all aircraft of a similar feat. Besides that, it’s why no one believes them at all anymore.

Cause Gaijin sets rules ->Incompleted=allowed in the game with its loadouts. But does an Xbox 720 and 60-degree Florida man banana split also known as->removing something from the loadouts? Aka it’s double standards to set rules but not follow your own sets you set up. It’s like going to McDonalds and ordering a Big Mac but instead of the worker giving you what you ordered, gives you a Happy Meal instead.

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Production. [Kurnass 2000/2S38]
Different rule sets.
Then among prototypes: Combat ready. [F-20A/Leopard 2K]
Incomplete. [Ho-229]

There are no double standards. Kurnass 2000 is a production vehicle that was at least purchased once.
Even 2S38 has a client, despite their limited production run thus far.


it actually isnt a stupid point

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I remember when i go to official iaf simulator there was a kurnass 2000 with it info on the counter and ut says it could use sparrows

If I recall correctly from somewhere, the Israelis outright stripped the Kurnass 2000 of its ability to carry and fire the Sparrow, due to them essentially filling a pure bomb-truck role.

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