Bring back to Kurnass 2000 Sparrows

it isnt. fully fictional planes exist in the game. nerfing planes with historical standards which are applied with zero consistency is stupid.

historical standards are applied to planes that arent fully fictional, things like the Yak-141 exist how it is ingame because it didnt mount any weapons irl so they have to make pure assumtions. something like the Kurnass 2000 was a fully serviced plane with absolutely zero ability to use radar missiles.

Are you sure about that?
The “hystorical standard” Is respected only when Is conveniente to gaijin
The italian F-16 Never used the Sparrow while using the AIM-120 and yet in the game can’t use what hystorically had while using something he can’t use IRL

Same for the 104TAF as the Turkish army Never bought the 104S with the ability to use the Sparrows (By removing the internal gun)

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Found some info about AN/APG-76 (Wikipedia)

AN/APG-76 is used in F-4E Kurnass 2000 (Israel) and has been tested in a pod configuration with the F-16 and S-3 Viking Gray Wolf Project. AN/APG-76 incorporates capability of AN/APQ-173 such as being compatible with AGM-88 and AIM-120, and it can also be configured as a side-looking radar. The side-looking version of AN/APG-76 played a very important role in the development of AN/APY-3 radar for Northrop Grumman E-8 Joint STARS in providing the foundation of know-hows for the development of the more advanced AN/APY-3.

That means that Kurnass 2000 should have AIM-120 and AGM-88 in such way?

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Even if it can im not sure it should get it
I just want aim 7

Im the official iaf site it said the kurnass can take python 3 and sparrows but i dont know if that is for the kurnass or kurnass 2000 or mixed

ig that it is a mixed info

Well i also went on official iaf simulator (was very cool) and in the waiting room there was info about planes one of them was the kurnass 2000 and it said it can took sparrows but i dont have a proof of that :(